Survival Instinct (Analysis)

Dec 04, 2008 23:19

Below is an analysis of a mental story (stories that are in the head, unwilling to be written/completed as published narratives). I was inspired by the movie 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, as well as the new game, Left 4 Dead. I am posting it here, and not caring about people stealing ideas, because I, personally, do not believe it is worth stealing.

Leon Rogan

Leon Rogan is a 20 year-old university student who took refuge with his girlfriend, Claire. He managed to escape the outbreak by climbing buildings and sift his way around to avoid the infected. During the escape, Leon only had a mobile phone and a sport bag with baseball bats and balls. On the first day, he was only feeding off the remaining food within his bag and making phone calls to possible friends and/or family. Leon met up with Claire after a long trek through the suburb, on the second day. As of then, he has act as sentry, to watch out for danger whenever they seek new buildings with supplies.

Claire Taylor

Claire Taylor is Leon’s 19 year-old girlfriend. Claire was within her household during the outbreak and tried to contact everyone on her phone, until she reached Leon. Luckily for her, her house was stocked with food and thusly, allowed the two to stay long enough to risk searching for new shelter. Claire is skilled in lock-picking as her father was a petty thief and often taught her the basics as a means to spend time with her. Because of this father/daughter relationship, Claire did not have the heart to terminate her father after he was infected; and he would stalk them, often provoking invasion and argument with Leon.

Christopher Stewart

Christopher, or Chris (referred to as Old Man by Leon), Stewart is a veteran soldier of the Vietnam War. At the time, he was a routine-training officer. After war, Christopher went on to open a weapon store, a few blocks away from Claire’s house. As an extremely healthy 60 year old, Chris lives alone in his weapon store using banners to call for help from possible rescue aircraft to fly-by. Unbeknownst to Leon and Claire, Chris knows about their presence but, due to importance of silence, he had not been allowed to signal his presence to them and hope that they reach him eventually.

Jack S. Mikami

Jack Mikami is a Chinese/Japanese security guard of the Revelations Corp. He is the only one who has full knowledge of the cause and effect of the virus. The first wave of infected chased him into the city and stalked him there since. At first, his initial goal was to leave the city, but after sighting Leon and Claire on the streets, he decided to stay back and find a way out together.

The Virus

It was the year 2010, when the Revelations Corp. accidentally developed a virus that degenerates living cells in the human brain and then replaces it with the “frenzy-cell”, after the host has died. The new specimen is then regarded as common zombies. After the first three hours, an outbreak broke out to unsustainable levels. Three days after the outbreak, there were only a few survivors living off food and drink supplies left in the abandon buildings. The degeneration and regeneration works in a numerical state: 1à0à-1. Thusly, the humans emerge as reversed human.


The common zombies that have lurked the streets of the once peaceful Sydney are infected by the frenzy virus. However, each individual zombie varies depending on the percentage of “frenzy cells” developed within the host. If at lower levels, the subject would not be able to function entirely like a human, only permitting movements such as crawling or creeping, and vocals limited to moans. If at moderate levels, the subject would be able to stand up and walk slightly slower than an average human being, but still limited to moans again.

Once the cells have completely overridden the host, the body would function exactly like a normal human being, only with the unstoppable will to catch their prey. Also in this stage, the zombies are given the ability to scream, prompting swarms to appear. Though they are mostly female, there were incidents of, hilarious to Leon, despite the situation, male.

At the same time, the ability of the body would also be solely dependent on the original host’s physique.

Thomas Taylor

Thomas Taylor is Claire’s biological father and thief before death.

Alice Jovovich

Alice M. Jovovich is the first ever infected, who was originally the human test subject of Revelations Corps’ cell regenerative fluid.

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