Title: Is This Real
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian are living the dream, a never-ending adventure doing what they love. But when Alex's hands begin to glow onstage after their bus is hit during a freak storm, it is only the start of a brand new adventure for them.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author Notes: Anya is amazing okay, nothing you can say will change that. Okay but seriously, this chapter is all things awesome and perfect :3
Alex pulled a hand down his face, frowning as his muscles ached. He looked down at his still quivering hands, and his heart sped up slightly as he remembered the pain when the bolt hit the roof. Alex rubbed his arm anxiously, and he was brought back to reality as Flyzik tapped his face twice.
“Alex, get on stage, now!” He was pushed into the direction of the stage, and he took his guitar from Ian, putting the strap over his shoulder and stepping out to his place behind the thin curtains. The lights began flashing, and the intro started playing, the screams rising in volume and pitch. He exhaled deeply, looking over to his right and catching Jack’s eye, causing him to come over and kissed his cheek in reassurance. He could tell when his best friend was nervous or scared. He smiled at him, stomach dropping as the notes to the intro faded out.
They started Lost in Stereo, the curtain dropping and the crowd cheering. Alex had never felt so nervous before a show, and he exhaled, swallowing before singing the first words of the song, finally allowing his eyes to close and get lost in the music. Lost in the stereo sound, if you wanted to be cliché.
Alex laughed at something Jack said, and he looked out towards the crowd, and stopping, his mouth opening in shock. He had looked over to the fans, and had seen a crowd surfer who just got to the front, and a security guard punched him and pulled him to the ground. Jack was halfway through a sentence during their banter, before Alex cut him off, shouting over his words.
“Hey, yo, security guard. What the fuck are you doing? Did you just fuckin’ punch a crowd surfer? What the fuck man, you can’t do that. Like, seriously, I know you’re doing your job and all, but you can’t punch a fan, they’re just trying to have some fun here, you help them down off the crowd, you don’t throw them off. We respect our fans here, so lay the fuck off them and let them crowd surf. They aren’t trying to get on stage, you know. So next time, help them down and send them back over the barrier, alright, fucking hell man.” The crowd screamed at his words, and Alex looked down at his hands when they got warm, his eyes widening when he saw them glowing a red-orange colour. “Hey guys, I’ll be back in a sec, Jack, entertain them!”
“Where are you going?”
“Seeing all these sexy motherfuckers made me get a boner and I need to jerk off.”
“Can I join you?!”
“No.” Jack laughed, and started talking to the crowd, starting a chant to get Zack to talk. But meanwhile, Alex ran off stage and started to hyperventilate, staring at his hands.
“Alex, what the fuck are you doing!? Get back on stage!” Flyzik cried, grabbing his hand and jerking away as he was burned. “Alex, what have you done?!” He looked up at Matt again, anger flaring briefly through him before he burst into flames. About 7 people -including Alex- cried out in shock, and Alex started shaking around wildly, panicking before it suddenly went out. It didn’t hurt him, but he was scared as fuck at the fact he had just combusted.
“Alex, are you okay?!” Ian cried, and Alex looked back up at him, tears in his eyes, sniffing and looking helpless. “Alex, bro, you’ve gotta get back on stage.” He nodded, exhaling and walking back on stage to loud cheers. He waved a little, smirking and slamming something out on his guitar.
“Hey fuckers, I’m boner less and ready to go.” The crowd screamed again, making Jack look to the older boy and smirk.
“Was that boner because of me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself bro, it’s because of Zack here.” Jack frowned, and Alex smiled back.
“I feel so unloved.”
“Oh, come here Jack!” Alex walked across the stage, pulling Jack’s head close to his and pressing his lips to the taller boy’s for a moment, then walking back to his place.
“Jalex exists, everyone!” The fans cheered, causing Alex to laugh breathlessly and strike out a chord to a song. “Should we cover something?” Rian started playing the drums, and Alex played the intro to I Don’t Care.
“Are you ready?!”
Alex shut the door to the bus, exhaling deeply and collapsing against his best friend, mewling tiredly.
“Jack attack, take me to my bed.” Jack rolled his eyes, taking Alex’s arm and pulling him along to the bunk area, pulling off their shoes and tucking Alex in. He wasn’t even drunk, just exhausted. “Jacky, cuddle with me.” The older boy held his arms out, and Jack climbed in the bunk with him, Jack’s arms wrapping around Alex’s body, cuddling him close to him and kissing the top of his head out of habit.
“You alright there, Lex?” Jack murmured, closing his eyes for a second, then looking down at the older boy curled against his chest and side.
“Mhm, what about you, Jacky?” Jack nodded to him, leaning his cheek against his scalp and feeling himself growing more exhausted. “Good show tonight, huh?” He smirked, his lips brushing over Jack’s collarbones as his lips formed the words.
“Yeah, it was amazing. The energy was just so strong tonight.” Jack said, noting how Alex mewled quietly, his eyes closing as he drifted off to sleep, so Jack followed his lead soon after.