Should I or Should I NOT

Jun 25, 2011 19:19

There is a time when there would be an event that would actually change the landscape of the country. And at that time, you would be at a crossroad on whether to participate in that event or not. Sitting here, I am deciding whether or not to join the most anticipated rally of the year, the Bersih 2.0. Its kinda modern putting that 2.0 as in a version, but that is what it is implied.

Nevertheless, I am a business man and how would that affect me when I get caught is something I would have to ponder. Sometime back, when HINDRAF had a rally, just to march to the British High Commission, a close friend of mine asked me this. Why would I want to attend the HINDRAF march when I could get seriously injured or blacklisted or even killed in that event!!
To this, I answered that sometimes we ask ourselves why cant someone do something about this thing that bothers or annoys us. And when someone decides to do something about it, which in this case, fight for the rights of the Indians, do we back off?? Do we wanna like the typical Indians, where we let others fight our fights and dont back them up, cause if get caught, let it be them and not me.

When someone takes an initiative to actually do something about some injustices, do we just stand behind and watch or participate and show strength??

So here my junction in life where I have to make a decision to do something which could be a moment in history or a moment of life and death or a terrible mistake.

Which path do I take?? Robert Frost mentioned in his poem, The Road Not Taken, in the last line

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Guess, I will just join in. And hope for the best!!
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