Awaited End (3/?)

Jan 19, 2013 21:21

BEAUTIFUL POSTER BY THE AWESOME crimson_miharu!!!  Almost forgot to credit her again, hehe.  Liked it so much bb. ♥_♥

Author: Jaceni
Genre: Smut, supernatural, Romance
Pairings: Hosu, minor jaemin, Yoochun/Jimin Han (Bak Ha people! From rooftop prince. \^o^/)
Rating: NC - 17
Warnings: unbeta-ed, cliché, slightly dark, vampire!supernatural, yaoi, Junsu!seme, Yunho!uke
Length: Chaptered (3/15?)
Beta: enragedsilver
Summary: Yunho suffers the consequences of his actions when he tries to make a vampire into his plaything... not knowing how his world would be turned upside down promptly after.

Chapter 2

`-`-`-`-`-`Chapter 3 `-`-`-`-`-`-

"Can I get anything for you young master?" The maid stood on the side of Yunho's desk, waiting for the young man's response. Yunho looked at her in an irritated manner… well, more so than usual that is. He didn't want to deal with all this shit today. For some reason, he felt restless and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he couldn't.

"No. I'm fine. Go." He said a little harsher than he'd expected to say it. He saw as his maid promptly exited the room and sighed. He couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. Just yesterday he was feeling as if he was moving in a monotonous rhythm in life, where nothing captured his attention, and now he felt anxious and restless… as if something big was coming… something that would change his life forever. But that was stupid. Seriously, unless he became poor from one day to the next, he couldn’t think of anything that would change his life drastically. He chuckled to himself. If he were a girl, he'd think that he might be getting his period soon.

He went to his window and stared out at his massive backyard. He could see the trees that bordered the mansion and couldn't help but think how odd that as a kid growing up he was the only one that actually could claim a forest to themselves… once the gates were opened that is. Even if there was a thin rail separating wilderness from domesticity, and that he was never allowed to go out there as a child, he'd also found it cool to claim that his property consisted of acres of land that included an actual mini forest. He shook his head and went back towards his bed. Even if he didn't like hanging out with the fake people he usually hangs out with, today he felt tolerant enough to go out to a club with them. He needed something to take the edge off and dancing always took his stress away. Plus, he never knew if someone might catch his eye.

With that in mind, he pulled on his expensive jacket that he didn't care to remember the designer logo of and pulled out his cell phone as he began dialing one of his crones to hang out with. He was getting in his sleek Bugatti Veyron by the time Hyunjoong picked up. He revved up the engine as he placed the phone on his car's dock and placed the other on speaker as he backed up the garage, pushing the button to open the door as he went.

"Yunho! What do I owe the pleasure?" Hyunjoong asked, the tone of voice he used irritated on Yunho's nerves, but he swallowed it down. After all, he's the one who allowed these people to be who he hanged around with.

"Call the other's. I'll meet you guys in Mirotic." Yunho said briefly before hanging up, he pushed another button to allow his mansion gate to open and sped out as soon as he was able to. Nothing could compare to the speed of his baby and the power he felt as he zoomed through the road.


Junsu was on his way down the stairs when his maker zoomed past him with Jaejoong in arms. He knew that if he wasn't a vampire, he'd never have been able to see or feel him breeze by. He quickly changed directions again, feeling his heart race a little in what he assumed was worry. It was difficult to label everything he felt, but at least it was getting easier to identify certain things the longer he felt his heart beating… which at this point had only been up to 10 hours he believed.

He opened the door and saw his maker cooing at Jaejoong to relax and wondered if he'd looked as in pain as Jaejoong seemed to be at the moment. Shock making him stand still in the doorway as his maker soothed his brother until finally Jaejoong seemed to pass out completely.

"What happened?" He finally asked Yoochun, still in shock.

"I think he's found his mate and his heart has awakened, but his body seemed to be fighting the new change and was causing him more pain than necessary." Yoochun said as he carefully wrapped Jaejoong in the covers.

Junsu kept looking on in shock until Yoochun ushered him out.

"I saw you were heading out mister. And the answer is no. I forbid you to leave the mansion until I lift the command. Got it?" Yoochun said in his maker tone, compelling Junsu to follow the command.

"B-" Junsu was about to protest, but the look Yoochun gave him made him shut up. He sighed. He didn't understand why his maker wanted him to stay when all he wanted to do was go spy on his mate to see how he could get closer to him. It was hard enough that he wasn't from this era or that he didn't really know how to win someone's heart here, but to also have to win a guy on top of that was difficult. Not to mention that he didn't want to think about how the other would react to finding out he was his mate. He hoped that his first impression of his mate had been incorrect and that there was more to him than what met the eye.

"I'll explain later Junsu, when Jaejoong wakes up. Okay?" Yoochun clapped him on his shoulder before leaving Junsu there, standing in the hallway with nowhere to go.

"Well that sucks… what do I do now?" Junsu muttered to himself and started to walk to his bedroom. He sighed. He settled in for a boring day today and wished Jaejoong would wake up soon and tell him who his mate ended up being… and how he's reacting to the discovery.


Yunho stormed out of the club in a rush. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. He was only a teenager for God's sake! He shouldn't be going through this problem.

He'd finally found someone who he wanted to lay only to find out that he couldn't get it up. No matter how long they made out or how much they grouped each other… or how wet she'd gotten… he just hadn't been able to get an erection.

So now besides restlessness there was also stress. This had never happened to him before… and she hadn't been an ugly duckling no. She'd been hot… really really hot. The dimensions that a guy would love to explore. The thing was his body hadn't wanted to cooperate with him and he'd ended up humiliated to the likes of her and having to storm out of there with some excuse or other. He just hoped this incident didn't end up in some gossip page, making him the laughing stock of everyone in society not just in school.

He finally arrived to his mansion and immediately made his way to his room. He ignored his servants' greetings and kept going until he made it to his room, where he locked the door and headed towards the bathroom. He wanted to erase today completely and just feel that comfortable nothingness he'd grown use to as of late. Where he felt bored, but no enough to do something about it. Where he was looking for something that would make his life exciting. Not this restless feeling of possibly doom to come.

He turned on the shower head and paused to look at his reflection, disgusted at the marks the woman had left on his flesh. He wiped off some lipstick from his neck and cringed at the soft red mark on his flesh that wasn't due to lipstick. He growled in annoyance.

Seriously, was he that worried about not getting it up that he let that tramp mark him up as if she was someone special in his life?

He quickly got his clothes off and stepped into the shower, feeling some of his stress melt a little at the hot spray pelting his back. He'd just go to sleep like every other day and wake up for school tomorrow as every other day. He needed to stop thinking something would happen because then he'd attract something indeed. Like with the night out. If he'd just stayed home, he wouldn't have had to sit through with those posers and waste time trying to please someone that wasn't pleasing him at all.

With that, he shut off his brain and began showering, just enjoying the simple pleasures of hot water cleansing his whole body.


Junsu went to check on Jaejoong in the morning. He sat down on the edge of the bed, near him, to see if he could spot changes that Jaejoong might have gone through. He looked less pale, that much was true, but other than that the other looked as he always did. He noticed the other stirring and he smiled widely to greet his friend in a way he knew would annoy him.

"About time you woke up! I was starting to think that you were going to be like sleeping beauty and in need of your mate to come wake you with a kiss." Junsu said a little too cheerfully and promptly began laughing hysterically since the image he conjured was too hilarious for words.

He barely heard Jaejoong's growl through his laughter and when he turned to look at him noticed the other had a surprise look in his eyes while putting away his fangs. This shocked Junsu.

"Woah there. Wow. So… it's true then. You really have found your mate too? Awe! That's totally unfair! I barely found mine five hundred years later and you're barely three hundred and already have yours? What kind of injustice is this?!" Junsu whined and got up from the bed, stomping the ground like a kid denied candy and heard as well as felt the marbled floor crack a bit. Woah, he hadn't lost control of his strength in a lonnnnggggg time.

"Oops." Junsu said, a little shocked and ashamed. He hoped in vain that Jimin would understand their situation and be compassionate.

"Junsu! Was that a crack I heard?" Jimin came in, seemingly out of nowhere. Boy, was he in trouble now. He figured he might as well own up to it than create an excuse about him not being to blame.

"Sorry Jimin. Aish, it's as if I've just been recently turned! I can't seem to control my emotions." Junsu said frustrated, but was quickly shocked at how soon he became frustrated too. He'd been fine a minute ago.

"It'll get better Su. Give it a week. At least, that's how long it took Yoochun I think." Jimin said, tilting her head to the side as she seemingly tried to remember. This didn't reassure Junsu. What if he couldn't control his emotions? What if it took him years to get a hold of them? He rather not think of that option. In that case, he'd rather not have them.

"How are you feeling Jaejoong?" Jimin asked gently as she noticed the silent figure of the man on the bed.

Junsu's attention went back to Jaejoong, now that his little pity party was over, and he noticed as Jaejoong seemed to be conflicted with his emotions. He knew the feeling all too well and couldn't blame him. It did surprise him though what came out of Jaejoong's mouth.

"Jimin, where is the plastic I came with?" Jaejoong then seemed to be looking for something around his bed and became more frantic the longer he didn't find it. Junsu looked on, shocked, as Jimin placed a hand on Jaejoong and the other jumped.

"Calm down Jaejoong, I placed it in the bedside drawer. Is that the picture of your mate?" She asked gently as she opened the drawer in question and handed Jaejoong the picture.

Junsu craned his neck to try to see Jaejoong's mate, but even with his acute eyesight he still wasn't in the right angle to see the picture. What he could see was Jaejoong's hand shake and that worried Junsu.

Why was Jaejoong acting this way?

Although, he was taking the news of a mate lighter than what Junsu had first thought he would. He'd been prepared for a full on psychotic event whenever the other found a mate, since he was so adamant that if it wasn't Choikang, he wouldn't accept the mate in store for him. And that obviously couldn't be.

"Shim Changmin…" He heard Jaejoong whisper and couldn't believe Jaejoong beat him in that too. How was it that Jaejoong knew the name of his mate when all he knew was that he attended the school from yesterday? Junsu calmed down once he saw something that he'd always known the other would feel if he was human but never showed in his vampire form. He looked anguished.

"Jaejoong, are you alright?" Junsu asked in concern as he touched his shoulder. He'd never seen Jaejoong this way before and it scared him a little. He had always been cold and aloof, but then again, he'd never met him when he was human.

"Yes. I am. So when can we enroll in that school of yours Junsu?" He asked seriously as he turned to him fully, brushing his hand off and getting out of the bed.

Junsu was surprised at his change of attitude, almost doubting himself and thinking he'd imagined it, and was about to answer when Yoochun entered the room.

"You two aren't going anywhere until I know that you know you can control yourselves. And definitely not before a week. Now, today we'll be retraining you on how to behave as a human. The sooner we start, the sooner you two can face your mates without going psychotic on them. Follow me." Yoochun said smoothly as he walked back out, leaving a puzzled Junsu and a semi fuming Jaejoong. Both couldn't resist following the order though, and soon were out the door and following Yoochun out of the door and into the training room of the mansion with Jimin trailing behind them happily.


Yunho stood at the entrance of the school and wondered why he seemed to have a feeling of waiting for something. He'd woken up today with that feeling and as the day progressed it remained there. He'd get distracted more than usual and he wondered what change was he waiting for. This feeling was doing nothing to his temper though. He found it increasingly hard to pretend to care about the devotion his peers bestowed upon him and he was more distracted than usually.

He fully expected the teachers to tell him off soon, but was surprised when instead they called attention to someone else.

"Mr. Shim. What's the answer?" Yunho turned curious eyes to Shim and noticed the other had turned slightly pale.

"U-uh-um…" As the students kept looking in his direction, snickering lightly, he seemed to start sweating a bit and Yunho seriously thought him weird.

"If you don't know the answer, I recommend you pay attention then Mr. Shim. As I was saying, the prose for this phrase is-" Yunho scoffed as the other seemed to exhale shakily as if calming himself once everyone turned to the instructor again. He didn't seem to notice Yunho staring at him. Yunho shook his head. Something was seriously wrong with that student and he didn't care enough to find out. He looked once more to the window, waiting for something he didn't know.

Chapter 4

A/N: ^o^/ Hi. Been a while. ^_^ So… the incest fic is turning out longer than I first thought and much harder too. Guess because it doesn't deal with supernatural stuff and real life is hard for me to write, even if it's not real life really. =D But, it's under way and I decided to go ahead and begin the other updates too for the poll following that one. ^_^ AND also because I got another awesome work from Crimson and have loaded it in my masterslist until I figure out a way to put it in my journal background. ^_^ So, as a thank you I've sped up the update for this one. :)  And sorry guys, just recently found that with increasing the font the way the rich text entry thing does it it takes away the italics, so until I figure out how to adjust the font I'll leave it as is, which is small.  Sorry. :(  Hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for reading! (^_^)b

title: awaited end, nc-17, other pairings, hosu, length: chaptered

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