Caught Unaware (8/?)

Dec 21, 2011 01:13

Title: Caught Unaware II
Author: jaceni
Pairing: Jaemin, minor Hosu
Genre: Slight Angst, Romance, AU
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Yaoi, smut, reluctance, psychotic behavior, slightly dark, Kink: bondage, toys, slight dirty talk
Length: Chaptered (8/?)
Beta: enragedsilver

Summary: He’d finally caught him, but what to do with him now? The boy was more stubborn than he’d initially thought, but he’d crack… they all did… eventually.

.~~~Chapter 8~~~.

Warmth made its way through his hazy mind as he forced himself to stay still. Was something licking him? It seemed to leave a wet trail that made his skin pimple after every swipe. The more his consciousness returned the more he could make out a towel cleaning his abdomen gently.


He opened one eye carefully, still pretending to be asleep, and the object of his confusion was there, further confusing him with his gentleness. He seemed concentrated in what he was doing and hadn't noticed he'd woken up. He felt his heartbeat increase. He closed his eyes again and pretended sleep, willing his body to not betray his wakeful state. He shivered as his shaft was wiped clean and hoped that Jaejoong wouldn't notice him reacting. Jaejoong seemed done. Changmin heard Jaejoong sigh and place the towel he'd used to clean him in something that had water and walk to another area. A drawer seemed to be opened and what sounded like sheets withdrawn. Soon he felt the blankets cover him.

"Much better..." he heard Jaejoong mumble before he left once more, it seemed to the bathroom, to dump the water. Changmin chanced a look once more, but quickly closed his eyes when he saw Jaejoong turning his way. A cell phone rang and he heard Jaejoong answer it.

"Hm... really? Well, I want it quick, so hurry up already. You've made me wait this long and expect me-" by now Changmin could hear as the door to the room closed. He hadn't even been aware that Jaejoong had left the bar door, too busy trying to eavesdrop. He sighed and tried to move once more, but confirmed once more that he was tied up when he couldn't move an inch more than he'd been able to before.

'Wait, why hasn't he released me as so many other times?' He began to wonder. His heart rate started to race in panic. Whenever Jaejoong did something out of his routine, it meant some change was about to occur. What kind of change? He didn't know, but dreaded finding out. He thought back to the conversation he'd heard, but it didn't make any sense either. He looked around the room and saw everything tidier than it had been before he'd gone to sleep.

Slowly, as time went by and nothing happened, his heart rate went down and he was left with a small headache. He really couldn't think of much at the moment, so decided to go to sleep. He could think further when he was freed. Then he'd be able to process this better. When he was able to pace and eat the delicious food Jaejoong brought in. He smiled at that thought and happily went back to sleep.


When next he woke up it was to the sounds of chains clanking together. The sound alone brought chills to his spine and made his heart beat erratically in fear. He jumped when he'd first heard it and immediately turned to see where it was coming from.

He noticed how Jaejoong was walking closer to him with chains held securely in his hands and his mind got paralyzed in fear. His throat froze, no sound escaped him, as his eyes widened in fear.

As he let his eyes roam further, to the connection point of the chain, he noticed the long chain ended on a type of loop that had been drilled to the wall.

He snapped his eyes onto Jaejoong's form once more and felt cold sweat gather on his body. He couldn't understand what was happening to him.

"W-wh-" Changmin stopped, his throat felt dry, and had to swallow hard in order to be able to speak.

"What are you doing?" His voice sounded panicky even to his own ears. Why was he panicking?

"What does it look like I'm doing? This room needed more decoration in it, therefore, I've decided to add this little addition to it." Jaejoong said as he jingled the chains he held in his hands. In his fear petrified mind one thing kept repeating itself as he denied that that was what was going to happen.

Finally, after having his throat frozen, he was able to yell out his suspicions. "YOU'RE GOING TO CHAIN ME LIKE A DOG?!!!" He exclaimed in disbelief, shock, and horror as he finally realized what the other man was doing. He didn't care if he sounded rude or if he'd offend Jaejoong into doing something worst to him than what he'd already done. He had to confirm what the other was planning.

Jaejoong paused just an inch away from the bed and smirked at him. "Good boy. Glad I don't have to explain it to you. Why yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

Changmin opened and closed his mouth in shock. Once he came to, he began trying to untie his hands desperately. He needed to get away. Why? He didn't know. All he knew was that he needed to get away fast. He couldn't process anything but blind fear.

He moved his wrists, rubbing them hard against their confinement, along with his legs, but all he got were bruised wrists and ankles and a discomfort in his backside. Still he didn't care.

"Please, please don't do this. I-I promise to be a good boy. Yeah? What do you want me to do? I-I'll do it. B-but please don't chain me up!" He said hysterically as tears began to gather in his eyes. He couldn't be chained up, he couldn't! Something edged at the back of his memories and he harshly blocked it.

NO! A voice yelled, echoing in his mind, and Changmin yelled too, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried his hardest keep the memory away.


Jaejoong looked at Changmin, shocked at what he was seeing. He looked hysterical. What was wrong with him?

Jaejoong dropped the chain he'd been holding and got on the bed, face emotionless. Changmin recoiled slightly as the bed dipped, but couldn't back up much and flinched when he felt Jaejoong touch his temple. Jaejoong's thumb swiped the tears Changmin was releasing gently and uttered, "But I can't trust you yet. You wouldn't do everything I'd ask of you. It's too soon. You'd just try to escape and I can't keep drugging you unless I want to damage you permanently. Plus, I just got you, so I don't like that option. How about we make a deal... if you behave, once I know that I can trust you won't try to escape, I'll give you more freedom than a chain... hmm... what do you say?"

The way Jaejoong said that, it was as if he was speaking to a small child, trying to comfort them. It was the first time he'd use that tone of voice on anyone and he frowned when that thought sunk in.


Changmin tried to stop the tears streaming down his face, but couldn't. He held back sobs, still some escaped.

That sounded as if he wasn't meant to leave... ever. As if Jaejoong planned to keep him until he died. He started to panic and feel despair as he imagined himself never seeing his family or friends again. His school... his career... all down the drain.

A flash of something and he opened his eyes again. He needed to distract himself, even if he didn't know why that need arose. He looked around wildly, trying to distract himself, but his sobs still echoed the room. Why couldn't he stop crying damn it!

"Shhh... ssshhhh... it'll be okay. Don't worry. Everything will work out." Jaejoong told him while awkwardly petting his hair as he kept crying. His body wracked with sobs, but Changmin was beyond caring at this point. He didn't care that it was weird that his kidnapper was trying to comfort him. He didn't care that he'd whispered those words as if he cared what Changmin was going through.

Jaejoong's body got off the bed and bent down to get the chain he'd dropped earlier and Changmin tried to get away.

"P-p-pleeaassseeeee... d-d-don't!" He begged between sobs and tried to recoil from the chain, but he just felt Jaejoong grab his ankle.

He couldn't deal with this. With a loud scream, he felt his consciousness fade as he felt the restricting cold metal clamp around his ankle. A distant voice told him, "Changmin-ah, it's for your own good okay..."

Everything went dark.

Jaejoong had jumped when Changmin screamed before going silent. He made sure that he hadn't grabbed skin when closing the chain around his ankle and frowned when everything was fine.

He couldn't understand why seeing those crystal clear liquids slide down Changmin's resting face affected him so much. He'd enjoyed his reaction until the moment he began to cry. His sobs squeezed his chest and caused pain within him that he couldn't understand. He'd tried to comfort the sobbing mess, but hadn't been able to. He couldn't go back on his word. He had to stick to it.

If there was one thing he learned, it was that unless you keep your word you're not respected as a leader. Changmin cried softly in his sleep and Jaejoong caressed his check softly to try to comfort him. He felt something flutter in his chest when Changmin unconsciously followed his hand. He quickly retracted his hand, as if burned, and noticed how Changmin frowned and scrunched his face in his sleep as if he was going to cry again, but continued sleeping.

He quickly got off of the bed and finished what he'd been doing. He hoped that this time he wouldn't wake up. He wasn't sure he'd be able to take seeing his tears again so soon. As he was putting the, for a lack of a better word, shackles on Changmin's ankle, he thought about his reaction. Why was he so terrified of being chained up? Damn it, why was Yoochun taking so long with that report on Changmin's history? There was obviously something there that he'd missed in his own questioning, but what?

He held the handcuffs in his hand and debated whether he should put them on or not. He held them, felt the cold weight of them, and debated. He had planned to chain his ankle and cuff his hands so that he'd have limited movement. But his reaction to finding out he'd be chained had disturbed him greatly and made him think that cuffing him as well would bring about something worst than crying. He decided not to do it and finished untying his wrist as well as both his ankles. Changmin didn't move a muscle. He debated whether to clothe him as well, but decided against it and just left him wrapped in the sheet he'd placed on him.

He exited the room silently and locked the door. He would make sure to monitor him for the first two nights as well, to make sure that his assessment of him being stronger than to commit suicide was correct.

After his reaction to being chained, Jaejoong wasn't so sure anymore.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the double post. ^__^

Chapter 9

nc-17, title: caught unaware ii, jaemin, length: chaptered

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