Left Shift (A report in Nostradamus-speak)

Jan 07, 2008 10:26

With a shift in view, I take a new interest in old friendships
Strength is revealed as weakness, weakness as strength
And ultimately, a more complete person arises.
Roots are sought, transitory existence reduced.

Night after night the visions arrive.
Other versions of the same person, again and again
Backup copies, historical record, escape, or simple fun?
The question stops being why, and starts being, why here? Why me?

A man is invited aboard a gargantuan spacecraft piloted by Earthlings from nobody-knows-when.
A police officer is shot in the line of duty on his first big case.
An actor plays a prince, both character and person in love with the princess.
An athlete escapes the destruction of a world by vortexes.

More casually, Catan is settled, Portals opened, Dark Materials read.
A server is moved, and fun is had by at least one involved.
Knowledge is gained about all things Debian and Kubuntu
while xkcd and cheezburgers continue to delight.
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