Feb 24, 2005 22:54
Excerpts from journal entry dated FEBRUARY 23, 2005
Lord what are all these times...
Moments of ecstacy. The power in a movie, the way it can capture EVERY bit of you. And such a movie. It’s almost like... somebody, somebody out there, thinks almost like me.
How is it that I think?How do I make for myself this ecstasy of depth-thought?
In memories and withdrawl and energy and sketches and beauty and music and love.
I think even Ashley may think my insanity is loose were I to try to share with her... Well, anybody would, because it is still insanity. It is still unknown and a melting pot of so much depth and thought and intellect. Like an epiphany. All the parts of the epiphany ARE in my mind, just floating...
Love conquers everything. The past is painful, but it holds beauty. What do we have to live for, TODAY, if tomorrow it is only viewed upon as the meaningless, unneeded past? As if living in this moment will soon have no meaning. That is no motivation to make this moment EVERYTHING. And love. That is the very thing to savor of the past, to cherish in the present, and joyfully know lies in the future.
Beautiful inspiration. This movie was unbelievable. I don’t even understand why or what or how it is so utterly amazing. It was weird. Clemintine and Joel, despite all their fights and arguments, are what I want! I AM CLEMINTINE. I want a man who is withdrawn, but intense. Soft but deep. Quiet but a heart full of JOY. A thinker but a helpless romantic. Someone who loves the arts, because-How could I begin to put it how AMAZING the arts are? Someone sensitive but STRONG. Someone who really understands the beautiful beautiful mystery of music and of a created picture and dance and poetry and film-expression, creation, masterpiece. Lord and YOU are the ultimate Creator. What a magnificent story you have written, painted, played, recorded, choreographed...
Help me to write a song that captures the ecstasy of an epiphany moment, the ecstasy of love, the ecstasy of BEAUTY. To draw it, or paint it, or write it, or dance it. I have the pieces here. Piece them into a masterpiece, Jesus. Because what’s inside of me right now is unspeakable, unfathomable, beautiful.
This ecstasy is simply a moment of peace, understanding, meaning, beauty, and LOVE. The depth of love. Kate and Jim understood each other. And they were both as insane as me. I LOVE INSANITY.
rather than try to express the entire beauty of ecstasy and creation in art, simply create your art, and let it be a small fraction, to sombody else, of the whole beauty, and when they find that true beauty is too great to be captured entirely by expressin, they will share with us what small fraction of beauty they wan tot contribute. And then, perhaps, by the end of time, the true ecstasy found in beauty, life, love, and creation will be, collectively, at a near completeion of expression. But thank goodness it is still too great- that is what makes it great, that is what makes it true, genuine beauty.
*On the hill on mansion run at pine knob in 10th grade with Marie. Silence, looking at the stars. Definitely ecstasy.
*At Springhill in 10th grade, outside, looking for shooting stars with Marie by the cave inside the snow bank. The shooting star that fell vertical. It was orange and red and yellow. Perhaps the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And it was thick, and took such a long, precious time to fall.
*At youth group. Praising You, Papa. Then I heard tears, and …they were my big Sissy’s. And I knew why. That was it. We were one accord before You, singing to YOUR glory. It was real and You were faithful and it was not for me or for her, but truly and really for you Jesus.