This one wouldn't let me go back to sleep without setting it down. It was very insistant on being born. I'm still mostly asleep, so please excuse the typos and the language.
"Come out in the rain
and let's go fuck!"
I call to you.
"I know a secret place
where it's no one's light but ours
and we can lie in the grass."
I stand in the rain
drunk with joy and
dark red wine.
"Come fuck me in the rain!
Let it wash away
the cold misery of our day
while we soak up the heat
the sun left in the earth"
The rain plasters my clothes
to my flaws and my perfections
Thus baptised and shown to be human
I hold out my hand to you
the wet skin highlighted
by city lights reflected
off of storm clouds.
Edit at 9am: Upon reflection while fully awake it's not as bad as I worried it would be.