I'll tell you what I can't stand. Having been around a few LJ comms for a while now I've seen a fair few tragic stories get posted up. Sometimes it's about a kid has died from the abuse or neglect of its parents, a judge has placed the blame squarely on a rape victim, or a bunch of God fearing bigots want to preach the evils of t3h gAyZ at funerals. You know, the usual sort of thing you'll see in a newspaper and despair over. And without fail, like some kind of Pavlovian response you will see someone bleat one of these sentences or a variation of:
"That's it, I'm done with humanity!" or " I have no faith in people. *sadface*" or "THIS IS WHY I PREFER MY CAT/DOG!"
How. Fucking. Smug do you have to be to even think that's in any way a worthwhile contribution to anything ever?
Let's look at that sentence and what it implies for a second. You're so high and mighty and above all of those other fleshsacks, only you could possibly have any shred of compassion for anything. You weep openly at all the injustice in the world and wail your disapproval to deaf ears. You're a Saint!
No. No you're not. You're just another bloated farting piece of meat walking the same filthy streets as the rest of us, using LJ to scream nothing into the ether.
You don't think that maybe, perhaps maybe, that there's a chance that spreading awareness of such terrible things could help educate others and have a positive impact? Or are you just too busy running back to your security blanket of fluffy animal pictures?
Bad things sadly do happen in this World. You're alone in this universe sunshine, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth. Posting any of the above exclamations just looks like you're unprepared to deal with the harsher side of reality penetrating that cotton wool bubble you've wrapped yourself in. Sitting there feeling happy with yourself while not lifting a finger to help. You're not a cool as fuck misanthrope, you're a walking anus.
I suggest getting out of the house, finding something you enjoy and doing it. Because then you may meet other people who enjoy the same thing and you can enjoy that same thing together. Side effects may include smiles appearing on your face. You may also find new and interesting opinions of your own that you can share with others and discuss. Sometimes people may even reply "This!" to your LJ comments like you used to do.
Every so often, something bad will happen to you and that IS terrible and faith destroying. Our fleeting moments in time guarantee only a few things, taxes, pain and death. Any moments of joy we experience however short, we have to work for. So here's a thing, when you're doing alright but you know someone however directly or indirectly you know them isn't doing great and you're in a position that you can make a difference, however small or large that may be, do it. Don't like something and you can change it? Change it. Is it something minor? Rise above it. Is it something major? Seek help. You may be surprised where you get it from.
Most importantly though, have a little faith.
This entry was brought to you by me ignoring final cut pro for most of the day.