May 06, 2005 01:47
Six years at San Francisco State University, and it's only now that I'm starting to realize where I am, what I'm doing, and where I can go from here. Go me.
If only more days can be like today. I was just a ball of energy this morning, getting two overdue projects out of the way as well as adding a little bit to my poor neglected sketchbook. Maybe I just need to get breakfast from Jack In The Box more often...the coffee is nice and strong, and that Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich is so damn good and filling, if a bit greasy. Plus it gives me an excuse go to Twin Peaks so I can enjoy both a nice meal and a great morning view of downtown Frisco. I love living in DC.
So yeah, thanks to the extra energy, I was--believe it or not--generally happy today, which is totally unexpected considering what I've been experiencing the past several weeks (or months, perhaps). Laziness eventually overcame me once again when I got home, but today felt relatively progressive. I guess those talks with certain individuals last week are starting to motivate me and get me into focus--I so wanna prove them wrong. :P Hey, it's working to some degree. Now if only I can keep up the pace for the final weeks of the semester.
I'm sure looking forward to this weekend. My cousin's celebrating her 29th birthday with a Mexican themed party...her new house is so nice, and I'll be seeing my niece again. Not like I actually try to spend time with her since I'm not too good with kids, but hey, she's a cute little thing. Almost makes me wanna fast-forward into the future and have a family of my own...until I remind myself of my whirling dervish of a nephew...then I'm back to normal again. ;)
Wow...normal. I'm actually feeling normal this week. Looking at my current dilemmas with a very logical mindset is so refreshing and relieving. Then watch as I collapse, realizing that I haven't made the type of progress that I wanted. Hahahaha...such is my life of the past three years. Fuck it, I'm taking charge of my own destiny this time around. This year is eerily mirroring 1998 a bit too much...although it would be nice to have my 1998 energy and motivation again. And maybe my first-half-of-2003 focus as well. Not to mention my 1999-2000 work ethic. Then again, it's 2005, and I need new experiences, dammit!
Okay, my brain hates me now for putting it through that exercise. Time for much-needed sleep.
RANDOM FUN FACT: Some people still think Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day.