worst day ever...no its not the lyrics to a simple plan song

Mar 19, 2005 11:49

Yesterday I had one of the worst days, a day of misfortune and bad luck that lasted 24 hours. Ok here goes

It started at 4am when a certain someone rang me while I was asleep and they attempted to talk to me even though they were so drunk their words hardly came out and this is a person I really care about so it makes me feel sick hearing this drunken shit dribble out of their mouth and then while they were talking they kind of just drifted off and the phone hung up, I was a little worried and tried to call them back but they didn't pick up so this just made me more worried and i laid in bed awake (I have a habit of thinking that something bad has happened and I just need to know they were ok) for the next 2 hours until I had to get up for uni.

So now its 6am and i'm eating some nice nutella toast and drinking a big cup of milo until i somehow accidently knocked my glass of milo over and I spent the next 10mins cleaning up milo shit. So now i was thirsty and didn;t want to make another drink so I just got in the shower to get ready, I grabbed my bag and realised I was running late so I was hooning it to cleveland train station and it started to pour down.

6:54am My train departs cleveland station..oh but i'm not on it I missed it by like a minute and I had to park at the end of the car park (cause it was full) and then run through the rain to the station to get on the next train which was going to make me late.

7:11am Train departs i'm soaking wet.

7:58am I'm power walking it across the goowwill bridge cause my lecture starts at 8 and I'm gonna be late. I pulled a bit of a rocky and charged it up the stairs to the 4th floor and made it in only a couple of minutes late. We have a new lecturer and a new topic and i didn't print any lecture notes which you definately needed for this one.

10:00am I have decided to skip the next 3 hours of uni cause its just to terrible a day to make it through. A friend comes in and picks me up and we head to the valley cause they're picking up a new drum kit, my friend is one seedy looking person (yes thats right we spoke at 4am this morning) and I now find out "oh sorry i passed out...I vomitted in my sleep too.." mmmm people die from that and it just hurts seeing it come from someone you care so much for.

10:45am We get to DrumWorx and we go in to pick up the new kit and they say "oh it will just be about 15mins" so we;re standing a around and 20 mins later we see them start to take them out of boxes and put them together. My friend was on a strict time schedule so we ended having to leave without the drums cause they were taking too long.

11:40am back at my frineds house just hanging around, they're going to give me a ride home on the way to work.

12:05pm - 12:44pm THE CAR RIDE- this was possibly the worst part of the day, I sat in the back of a dirty car and listened to two people talk about things that sickened and disgusted me, never have i felt this way before. I don;t mean they spoke about gross things but they spoke their plans for the weekend and how it only involved drinking for like the next 3 nights, they drink more than they don't. We even had to pull over so that one of them could vomit on the side of the road so that they could eat their two kernel burgers. I had visions of them grown uop living in a caravan together and you can imagine the rest. It was so upsetting to witness and I'm not sure whether I am noticing the degredation of this person or I am finally seeing them the way they always were, I hope so much that this is just a "phase" i guess and that soon they are going to make something out of their life cause right now it seems pretty shit to me.

12:50pm picked up my car and went and played drums with a different friend...this part of the day was good.

6:00pm getting ready for the fancy dress party I'm going to tonight I go as an old school squash player, shor shorts, head band, wrist bands, big socks and an old squash raquet.

8:00pm pick up another three friends (old lawnbolws playing lady, billy joe lookalike and a footy jock) realise I have locked my keys in the car. first time ever! So we wait on the side of the road, 4 people dressed like idiots on the side of vulture st.

8:40pm RACQ come and get my keys out and one of the things he says is "Nice costumes, hope you don't break down tonight" and I was like "ha thanks nope no plans of breaking down" as far as I know my car was running fine. We head off to pick another friend (tom delonge lookalike) but on the way to his house my car starts to make crazy noises an I looses power and the car turns off and won't start again, on the middle of stanley st next to the gabba! so we push it to the side of the road again and call RACQ again

9:30pm RACQ comes and we start to check out my car, going over all the fuel system and checking everything works and from what he can tell its all working fine but fuel is not getting through...

9:50pm "I think you're just out of fuel mate" I was low but I didn't think i was that low, RACQ tops me up a bit and we head off again.

approx 10:45pm finally arrive at the party and we hang out there for a while. I notice that there is a guy there I see from the Depot and he dances like a freak and I can't stand him he is little and gay and he just pisses me off. Meanwhile there is another guy there who I have never met before and he is so annoying asking about piercings and tattoos and hardcore music...drunken fuck. I wait til he goes away then i take his cask of goon, piss al over it and then put it back where I got it. Happy drinking fuckwit!

2ish.am We leave the party and all the people I picked up live ages away from me and each other so I start dropping the home and I finally get home a 4am

4am 24 hours later. I have had the shittest day of what seems to be the last couple of shittest weeks of my life. I lay down and go staright to sleep but am awoken by a friend at 10am this morning. The conversation just kind of gets me annoyed and now i'm not sure whether the worst day ever is still happening..

10 points for anyone who actually reads all this...
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