Oh! You stayed put, didn't you? YES YOU DID! Don't be coy!
So after watching an intense amount of Big Beyo videos (BTW, Gavin and I got tickets to the concert event of our LIFETIME...BIG B!!!!!! AOWAOWAOWAOWAOWAOW!), I dropped Julie off and the drinking BEGAN!
But soon after intoxication began to take its course, something happened...
Something happened to a poor little bb...
Gavstar had fallen:
NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO! Arshia and I did everything we could to help the little thing, but he was just to frail...
Suddenly, he just GOT BETTER! It was probably the prospect of having to deal with drunken browntards coming home at 3 am and abolishing his beauty rest.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith rejoiced!
Family Portraits!
Le Persia Sexuel
Tool Time!
Brown Brothas get ready for a night on the town!
So by the time we left, the drink count was:
Gavin: 2 sourpuss/vodka cocktails, 2 vodka shots
Arshia: 2.5 sourpuss/vodka cocktails
Justin: 4 sourpuss/vodka cocktails
I think you see where the night is headed.
So after conversing with some Know-It-All Fatty Patty on the bus, we busted our way down to Mayfair Mall...
...to meet LUSS BUS!
While Gavin grabbed a Starbucks (which ultimately would burn the fuck out of his mouth without him even knowing it until the next day), the girls had a photoshoot:
Guess the Third Wheel
Bus and Truck (stop it Justin.)
Nice hair points.
We then cabbed it down to Upstairs! Now, I've never had fun at Upstairs before...but this time was different...how did I know that right from the get-go? Well...the second song they played after we walked in was "Deja Vu"...WITHOUT LIZ AND I HARRASSING THE DJ! WUT. We def did our B moves, full throttle (yes...The "Gasping-for-Air" and the "Crazy Jungle Woman" dances...)
Gavin: "Ohhh! COME MOMMY!"
Liz: "Is that a guy or a girl? Oh. It's my reflection. Duh!"
Liz and Gavin ran into their idol AGAIN! TWICE IN ONE DAY! Heavyweight Champion Wrestler, PERSIA MANPOWER! WHOA!
Oh...she gonna...pound.yo.ass.
We just kept throwin 'em back...
...and again...
We saw Persia Manpower again later that night! She was dancing with...you guessed it...A TRANNY! How did it bust its way into Upstairs? Who knows. She/He probably knows Sherry...who's back in town, by the way!
I'm happy-to-be-80, Arshia's WIRED, and Gavin's thunking about butch-slupping some shutbag.
At first glance, with all the girls, definitely looks like a Lez Club
Lion King and "Thhhe whhhat?"
Luss is nekkid, Arshia is pokey, Gava is lazy
I guess Stripey (on the left) had quite an impression...
Gavin: "Exccuuuuuse me? Oh Buddy, you just gone and done the dumbest thing."
Arshia: "Mmm...I'm liking the buns of the survival memories man striped coat bus driver."
They ran into Persia Manpower AGAIN! WHAT ARE THE ODDS! They are SO STARSTRUCK!
Liz is 6 years old.
LOL. I wish Gavin was in this one more, just because what we CAN see is GOLD.
They look like First Time Clubbers:
Such a cute friends!
Justin. Stop trying to be in every picture.
Yeah! Buddy in the back is right! It's time to get this party REALLY started!
Right, Liz?
Gavin: "You know what...come here, let me talk to you."
Upstairs Transcanada
X 2
Liz's gaze is fixated on a twinkie, please donate to Gavin, and Arshia's mane engulfs my camera. Typical.
Squish Squash!
Ladies Man
Arshia's giddy, but Gavin is P-I-S-E-D. PISED. Why you ask?
Because his Drunk Buddy wasn't there yet! Where was that nasty little Ko when you need her? I mean...these two are the KING AND QUEEN of drunk pictures. They always take CLASSICS together when inebriated...let me recap...
And now a new favourite to add to the collection...let me present to you..."GAVSTAR AND MELSTAR: DRUNK BUDS"
It was then that Mosmie, Cookie, Mrs. Voorhies, and Ell burst into the scene! And our party got EVEN bigger!
Tisah is not impressed, Liz is awk, Melissa is being ignored, and Gavin is infatuated.
This is for the the the CLUB, and this is for the people in the the the CLUB!
Liz is a 6-year-old punk, Gavin is disgusted by somebody's actions, Melissa is giving Arshia a piece of her mind, and Arshia is eye-sexing the camera
Find the deranged prom queen.
Liz thinks she just saw Sherry in the distance...Arshia (and her hand) don't get what's happening...
Liz: "Ell, stop dancing...I've gotta tell you something."
Ellary: "What is it now Liz."
Liz: "I think I may possibly have just seen a Tranny, oh yeah...I did."
Ellary: "Hell yeah bitch!"
That definitely looks like it's MY arm. LOL.
Ellary sandwich on whole wheat bread
The bitch behind me is gonna have a goooooooood night.
Now it's an Ellary sandwich on 100% Tran Bread
Quelle surprise.
But her lips are sealed...even to lazy trannies...
...and even to 80-year-old rotund trannies...
What could this secret be?!
"That's right. I'm an h-core Lez. Deal with it. My name is now...MELVIN."
Let us say grace and thank the Lord that this picture cuts off where it does.
Reunited and it feels so good
Oh Justin.
"Yeah. FUCKING party."
Ohhhhhh my.
As I said...best drunk buddies.
I interrupt Cookie and Ell's girl talk...
...but I'm not the only one...soon PERSIA MANPOWER busts into the convo as well! Oh Persia Manpower. So...intrusive.
This guy MADE THE ROUNDS to EVERY.SINGLE.GIRL. in our group. Actually. I had to rescue each one, and RIGHT when I did, he'd move one to the right. UNBELIEVABLE.
That's DEFINITELY what Melissa and Tisah are discussing right now, and what Ellary is wildly informing someone about...Arshia is dazed and confused.
Wait...who is that...it's Miss "I Set My Hair On Fire at the Club"!
So we're all dancing and all of a sudden, we smell this AWFUL stench of burning hair...everybody smells it and it's REALLY strong...so we all think "Whoa...that's a gross smell." and move on with our lives. 10 minutes later...Emery runs up to Melissa and Tisah..."MY HAIR WAS ON FIRE!"
Oh Lord...we're DEFINITELY peaced out for the night.
But we're not the only ones...
Oh no. Buddy, go home.
Emery is the meat in an Asia sub
Totally looks like Emery's arm is Melissa's, and she just forgot to tan it! HAHAHA
Aunt Liz: "Aww yeah, at the club with ma Nephew."
If you see us in the club, you'll be actin real nice, if you see us on the floor, you'll be watchin all night!
Arshia is shunned by the Asian Lezbots
So she gets a little demented and starts to scare the Chinese Boy.
So the little boy just starts to grind with her to shut her up...ladies and gentlemen...welcome to...THE GRINDHOUSE.
Rosy Posey, Fierce Asian and Haggard Drunk
Better! Thank you, black and white!
I love these butches.
This picture is PISSED.
I've got sexy ladies, all over the floor!
Tisah helps out the mentally challenged sometimes too, through the same organization as Gavin and I...she was so nice as to even bring her little tag-along to the club with her!
Please Donate. They need your help.
Uh oh...I think Ellary's saying it's time to go.
Liz agrees.
And of course, the night wouldn't be complete without stumbling out of the club on to the street where Liz gets mistaken as a hooker, Arshia and I want to take a Kabooki(sp?) cab home, and Gollum shows his twisted little face...
Let's just say the next day was...unfortunate.
And that was our epic weekend of mayhem, mischief and Shorts in the City.
I will post again soon...until then...
yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeaaaahHHHHHHHHHHHH PEACE!!!!!!