Jul 05, 2004 07:00
WOW. I dont even really know how to explain the past 2 weeks, besides they have been totally amazing. I have had so much fun and seen so many things its been unreal. In case you didnt know i was in Italy for the past two weeks. We went everywhere imaginable. Milan, Sirmione, Verona, Venice, Florence, Assisi, Vico Equense, Isle of Capri, Amalfi, Pompeii and Rome. We saw things from Cathedrals and Bezillicas to museums with famous art works (the birth of Venus) and sculptures (David) even to Catacombs (a cemetary under groud) and the ancient ruins of Rome. We got to ride in a Gondolla in Venice, and shop everywhere in between. My roommates made this trip amazing..Jenna and Kelly you girls ARE amazing! We never got on eachothers nerves and i love you girls to death!
* Kelly's arguements with herself
* "He's like Santa but with Food!" - Jenna about Mr. Ruggeri
* "Lets Shower together!" - Jenn and Kell (and ooo they did!!)
* "Can I have a butt massage" - Kelly...and i do believe she got one!
* JUST DO IT! - Starsky and Hutch
* "You like this! ::hand motion::" - strange italian boy in florence
* Mrs. Ruggeris comment about Kelly...i'll let it at that.
* Photo shoots/ Jumping on the bed
* Losing Power like whoa - Me and Kelly
* Definition of whoa? - all
* Call will! Just call him, you know you want to! - Jenna
* "I'm gonna shove this pringles can up her ass" - Jenna about Giorgia
* Jenna stabbing me UP THE NOSE with a steak knife. yup..it did happen!
* "When in Rome...Do as the Romans do!" - Kelly
* Pelvic Thrusts - all
* Lies! All Lies! - all
* Washing feein the Budet w/ foot massages - all
* Chug it!! - Me and Kelly about Jenna and her beer
* Jenna coating her mouth in chocolate!
* Getting songs stuck in our heads -- IIIII know you like to think... - all!
* "Kelly you're so fat!" - all
* Ciao Bella! (like 30 times in one day) - the Italian men!
* ECHO!! - RayMar
* Dance Monkey, Dance!! - Vince
* Make sure you bring your....er..uhhh..bath clothes? - Giorgia
* "I'm wall art!" - Kelly
* "She likes me" - Raymar about Stephanie
* "Cookie Cookie" "Choc-o-late chip?" "HOW MUCH HOW MCUH" - Hot Italian guy on the boat in Capri
* "Good moooornning, Bonjooouuuurno" - Giorgia
* Pringles
* "when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie..." - all
* "Shut up!" "I dont want to speak w/ you" "You're 12 years old" "Don't touch me!" "I kill you!" -Adriano...waiter on the last night!
* Painting Vince and Winston's Nails
* Jenna and Winston just bitching at eachother in Capri
* Salsa Dresses
* "i wanted to bring 4 short skirts,but my mom would only allow me to bring to....omg did you hear i have 5 hour lay over in detroit what am i gonna do...they were only 250 dollars...." haha girls we were nice...right?
Man there are so many things and so many memories. I had hte time of my life and there is nothing i would change. It was a long 2 weeks and i'm ready to be home, but i enjoyed every min. of it. I love you all that came--and i've missed you all who were not there. I leave today to go up north for 2 weeks so call me my phone will work up there...i miss you so much and would love to hear from you! I'll talk to you soon
get this: my clock is so turned around that i'm up at 6:30 because my body belives its 12:30...wowzers!!!
Love Always- Jenny