My calling

May 23, 2007 22:16

I've hit that stage in my life where I am relatively happy.  I am in love with my wonderful husband, and I work in the theatre with a steady salary.  But at my current job, there are things I can't stand, and things that I love.  As technical director, I have a LOT of responsibility, which is something that I usually THRIVE on.  Yet, I do not like the fact that I learn about something else on my already huge list of things to do that I am responsible for.  It never ends.  And I am allowed NO room for mistake.  That's a lot of pressure.

Yet, no matter how crappy a day I have, when I get to go to rehearsal for a show that I am directing, all my stress goes away.  Even with a kids with a kids show.  My cast is my therapy I think.  They amaze me.  The fact that a cast this large and this young can pull off such an impressive show.  I love watching them create these amazing characters.  I love watching them let themselves go.  I love seeing their faces when they learn something new...a new dance step...a new technique.  I love how eager they are.  It reminds me of when I was that eager, and my enthusiasm for theatre is renewed.  My day is no longer crappy because I leave the theatre at the end of the day full of pride for the show that my kids and I have created.

So, to summerize, I would LOVE to find a way to just direct.  Or stage manage.  Or both,  But being a technical director, although its a great learning experience and something I'm not too shabby at, it is just not my calling.  I don't want to settle on a job that I can do, rather than I job that I want to do.  It makes me look forward to this summer at Kiniya even more.


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