Sep 19, 2004 20:44
Does it offend you for me to say I believe in God?
Yes, I go to church.
I go to youth.
And not because its the "cool" thing.
I have always gone. I'm not the perfect Christian. Ill be the first to admit that I dont read the bible or pray enough.
Im a sinner.
But I believe. I have seen miracles.
I know that when you fall apart from God your life falls apart.
But when you are there with him, everything is put together. and you have an assurance that everything will be okay. You suddenly have a purpose.
I know there are people who read this who dont believe in God and condemn those who do on occasion. And those are their own personal beliefs.
But I wish I could get through to everyone that there is a greater power watching over us. Without people thinking Im trying to push my religion on them.
Yes, bad things happen everyday. And we are sinners. But God does not kill people, or ruin peoples lives. Actually if you believe, he will always provide.
HYPOTHETICALLY, what if there's not a god? what if all this "bullshit" as some of you like to call it is just made up.. and the bible is fake. Well, how is following God's word going to ruin anyones life? How? Christianity is about the upmost of morals, leading your life in the right way, and treating others with love. As far as Im concerned it can only bring out the better in someone. Please dont get me wrong, I do believe in the Holy Trinity.
I could go on. But I think I have said enough. These are just my personal beliefs and opinions.
Psalm 40:16 Have a voice to share what you have found with others.