My weekend.

Nov 02, 2009 00:27

How was everyone's weekend? It was quite a fun one for me with the Halloween party and DVD rips of NEWS's Diamond DVD!

First off, the Birthday/Halloween party. We don't celebrate Halloween in Singapore so I've never had a chance to dress up in costumes so it was something new to try. I wish I had spent more time and effort in my costume but it was the easiest I could come up with without spending lots of money on it. I wore a normal dress with a witch hat I bought from Kmart for $3 thus making me a modern day witch. :P I wanted to paint my nails black and carry around a red poison apple too but ended up too lazy to go out to Coles on Sat before the party. Nevertheless, I had fun looking at the other costumes.

All my housemates. The guy (Spongebob) is actually the birthday girl's (Devil, on the right of the nurse) boyfriend but he practically lives here.

I love these tiny plastic jack-o-latern decorations so much! I did keep one btw for keepsakes. :D

More pictures on my Facebook here! Costumes to look out for is the Pope, priest and the Go-go dancer.

In the midst of the party, I managed to sneak off to my room for water breaks and saw the post for DVD rips of NEWS's Diamond concert! I decided to be a good girl and spoil myself with Yamapi and Massu's PV and the first 40+ minutes of the concert. It's enough to keep me satisfied till 23rd Nov which is the day my DVD and Yamapi singles should reach my house.

I love Massu's PV! I like it when he dances and I like his style of clothing which consists of mostly loose clothing and is a little quirky but cute. The reverse heroism of the superman sketch is funny! Yamapi's PV is cool with all that grey and silver tones but I don't really get the red rubber glove. Makes me think of fishmongers. :P I love that he did a remix of MOLA and not just the original since the song is already being performed like normal in the concert section. The PV really suits the electronic feel of the remix.  And Yamapi dancing is awesome! <3 I'm really glad the makings of the PVs isn't just like 1-2 minutes long but is about 4 minutes long, except for Yamapi's but that's alright. I love behind the scenes!

Viva NEWS! v(^___^)v

dvd, celebrations, news, massu, yamapi

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