
Aug 18, 2009 03:14

OMG Ziva!!!!!! I hope and want Ziva to return to NCIS! She has to return cuz she's my favourite character. Her bantering with Tony is a large part why I love watching NCIS. But after what Tony did to the man Ziva loved, I highly doubt they'll every get together even though I want them to.

I can't wait for NCIS Los Angeles to start in Sept too. I initially thought it probably can't live up to the original but after watching the 2 pilot episodes, I've changed my mind. I love the psychologist guy! His curiousity combined with his excellent observation skills from being a psychologist and his nosiness is hilarious. :D The undercover cop who was injured in the pilot episodes but will return as the main character is pretty likable too.

I hope NCIS LA's equipment and operation etc. will remain the same as what they had in the 2 pilot episodes because those computers were COOL. It's like Minority Report but a bit less high-tech. They had huge ass LCD screens which is touch screen and the interface is a little bit like Mac where camera footage are minimised into a few small windows and you can use your finger to pick one out and expand them bigger by moving 2 fingers in the opposite direction and you can move it onto the projector screen by just throwing it to the side. So Minority Report and waaaaay cool. I'm not a tech geek like McGee but I agree, the whole thing is just sweet. Very awesome so I hope they'll have it in the series otherwise I'll be disappointed.

Enough about NCIS. After stopping for quite some time, I finally had a major cooking session today. I was in the mood to eat tempura with cold soba noodles. My choices for frying was green capsicum, kimchi and nattou. I don't exactly like green capsicum especially the raw taste but I felt like eating it today. As for kimchi and nattou, I've always wanted to try them but was lazy because tempura is a lot of work. Of course, the inspiration to try making kimchi and nattou tempura is from Arashi's shows. I think kimchi tempura was from Shukudai-kun and nattou was from Mago Mago Arashi where MatsuJun cooked it I believe.

My conclusion on both is kimchi tempura is delicious but nattou tempura not so for me. It's not that I don't like nattou. I won't go as far as to say I love nattou but I can eat it without thinking it's disgusting or wanting to puke. In fact, today I thought the smell of nattou wasn't smelly at all. But my nattou tempura was a bit burnt and hence bitter which is probably because I fried it last so I had very little oil in the pot. I highly recommend kimchi tempura! Was it Aiba who thought of this idea? If so, he's a genius!

ncis, cooking

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