Jul 20, 2009 16:25

BB + BB = Buzzer Beat + Big Bang!

XDDDD I'm lame like that. Anyway, it's been ages since I've updated my journal with proper posts. I just returned to Perth and my house has not changed so I still don't have internet at home. I think I'll never have internet at home with the way things are going which could be a good thing as I won't be distracted with dramas and fandom.

It's embarrassing to say this but my grades have slipped way too low to the point where I failed 3 out of 4 of my units last semester. But thank goodness I've not been terminated. But from now till February next year, I'll have to work really hard and at least pass all units. So I'm most likely going to be on semi-hiatus. So no new dramas and no more Arashi and NEWS stuff (except real important things like Winter Diamond DVD). I'm starting to lose hope that NEWS will release a DVD for the Winter Diamond concert. :( Anyway, how much can I miss in 6 months right.

Let's talk about happier things now like the first episode of Buzzer Beat! I like it! It seems like a genuine love story. I'm not surprised that the rating was 15.5% though it was lower than what I had expected. The first episode just didn't had some sort of climax/highlight/suspense to keep people on the channel. But I like it when a drama takes time to develop the plot and characters which I hope is the case in BB. As a fangirl, I'm more than glad with the Yamapi fanservice! 3 topless scenes and a guranteed 1 topless scene every episode (the sexy back of Yamapi in the opening song video!) is awesome. :P Well, other things I've noted are Riko's violin playing scenes looks a bit fake, Yamapi's basketball scenes looks credible, I LOVE the piece Riko was playing on her violin (anyone knows what piece is it?) and I love Yamapi's purple half-pants. :D

On to the second BB. I just pre-ordered Big Bang's upcoming Big Show Concert DVD! I watched the edited concert version that aired on TBS and by the second song, I had decided to buy it already. XD I can't wait to receive it! The packaging is kickass awesome and the concert rocks! Pictures of the DVD under cut.

Alright, it's getting late. I have to prepare dinner too. I seriously can't wait to get my hands on the Big Bang DVD. :D P.S.: I need a Buzzer Beat icon!

drama: buzzer beat, school, big bang, yamapi

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