ayaka on Music Fair 21

Jul 06, 2008 04:19

i couldn't resist downloadig ayaka on Music Fair cuz Aoyama Thelma was in it too and they did a collaboration of Soba ni Iru ne. and it was rather interesting.

when they were singing Soba ni Iru ne, ayaka sounded like she was holding back the power in her voice cuz the song isn't one of those songs where you can holler with power. they then sang ayaka's Clap & Love together which didn't really suit Thelma cuz her voice is kinda airy and smooth so it was quite weird to hear her attempt to sing in a rougher and groovier way. seems like ayaka is more versatile. but then again i've not heard other songs by Thelma.

and to add finish off this weirdness, the last collaboration song was one by a singer i never heard before called Chitose Hajime. i was seriously horrified when she started singing and it gave me goosebumps. cuz she ends each line often with a falsetto which was weird to me cuz im not accustomed to it. i just had to pause and google her name and read her wiki page. and apparently she's from Amami Oshima and sings in a style that's particular to that region which is the falsetto thing. the best part is they say her voice is said to be relaxing! how is it relaxing if im getting goosebumps?! but after i got used to the falsettos, her songs were actually quite nice and relaxing cuz it's slow. but i won't be downloading and listening to them for sure.

the good thing bout Music Fair is there isn't a lot of talk segments which means i don't get frustrated from not being able to understand fully what they are saying. this is especially true i think when the guests don't really know each other. for this episode, all they said repeatedly was "this experience was new" and "it was very fun". i think they had to answer a question about their most memorable summer too. Thelma's one had bikinis involved while ayaka's one was her attending someone's (or maybe her own) concert.

anyway i love ayaka's hairdo in MF! she really suits the 'bun atop of the head' hairstyle best or the 'zhong liu' hairstyle as Magdeline calls it. XD and to add a touch of class, she wore a purple rose hair accessory. i would love to try this hairstyle for fun. but since im not apt at creating hairstyles and i don't have a hairdresser to do them for me, it'll probably be major fail. here's a screencap of ayaka. ^^

tv show, ayaka

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