Jul 05, 2008 00:38

OMGGGGGG Sousuke is such a bastard!!! i can't wait to finish watching Last Friends now!!! seriously, he makes me jump whenever he returns to screen. when the phone rings, i prepare myself in case it's him and he says some scary things. even when Ruka was waiting at the railway crossing when rushing back to the share house cuz Takeru was injured, i kept thinking Sousuke might just appear behind her and whack her or something!

i wonder how Sousuke's past ex-es got rid of him though. he says he loves Michiru forever until he dies. i bet he said the same thing to all his past flames but yet he's still alive and kicking (literally people) and has had a change of heart and fell in love with someone else. i mean he can't not have been in a relationship before Michiru right. but really, Sousuke this type of people creeps me out. (>___<)

anyway YES! PACIFIC CON DVD IS FINALLY ANNOUNCED!!! T_T im kinda glad there wasn't 2 versions for LE cuz i would really die from just convincing my mum the necessity of buying both! i obviously pre-ordered the LE from HMV already! it's a good thing i told Magdeline, my flat mate to think ahead and decide which T&T DVD she wants to buy so i could immediately add it to my cart when they announce pre-orders for NEWS's Pacific DVD. :D

you know what's kinda freaky? i actually had a fleeting thought on Thurs night that what if they announce the release of NEWS's Pacific Con DVD already and by the time i see the news, LEs would be sold out. cuz i was internet-less from Thurs afternoon till today afternoon (Fri) as i went and stayed over at a friend's place. my fleeting thought actually happened but good thing the latter half didn't come true. XD

and yay! my prediction for when they would announce was correct! i calculated that they would announce some time after Tegomass's single was released because if they announced before that, most people (including me) would probably save that money to buy the DVD then their single. it's a good way to promote Yamapi's new drama Code Blue too which in turn might help the DVD sales later on too after people who watched Code Blue find out about NEWS through Yamapi and they might buy the DVD too.

speaking of which, im definitely downloading Code Blue this season. but im sooooooo tempted to download Maou too although Kelly would be downloading it so i can get it from her when all episodes has been subbed. yosh! for now i've decided to pretend Maou doesn't exist and wait very patiently. but that might change since im such a fickle-minded person who acts on my feelings when it comes to non-important things.

WAHAHAHAHA! i can't wait for Aug 13!


OMG i just remembered something! Pacific Con DVD means we might get to see the scene of NEWS (except Massu) almost stark naked in the onsen which Yamapi teased us with when he brought a pic of it to Hanamaru Cafe. :O

news, drama: last friends, rants

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