Miss Kalifornia

May 01, 2009 07:03

So this Miss California, a 21 year old from a conservative town in San Diego County is joining in the Nom M4M mishegas. ( Usually you don't fit a lady into an M4M situation, but hey... if allegedly conservative states can support gay marriage, surely it's possible.)

Like other anti-gay rightists, she claims her moral stance has cost her. She made a declaration of her moral stance/bigotry/idiocy at the Miss USA, and claims that cost her crown. Never mind the fact that the Miss California pageant, which is run by a homosexual, is letting her keep the state crown. Never mind the fact that homosexuals in the beauty world were on her pit crew.

Never mind that said organization actually paid for breast implants before she went to the Miss USA pageant.

Oy. A woman of high moral values, a martyr for marriage, for whom gays are good enough for support, career advancement, and funding of cosmetic surgery, but aren't good enough for equality before the Law or (her) God.

The arguments against Gay Marriage are the same as the arguments against ending bi-racial marriage. Allowing one chip in traditional marriage will lead to Sodom and Gamorrah, Godzilla and Gamera, and dogs and cats living together.

image Click to view

Guess what? We are humans, we've always made up our own laws, and we can be arbitrary. We can say, "Adults in a paired relationship that offers mutual support and opportunity for child rearing in a healthy environment is a good thing. Polygamy can't be legally supported in the US since it overwhelmingly is harmful to the women involved. And people can't marry other species BECAUSE THEY ARE OTHER SPECIES WHO CAN NOT GIVE VERBAL ASSENT NOR COMPREHEND WHAT HUMAN MARRIAGE MEANS"

Ok, Mr. Ed could, but he and Wilbur were just friends.

The other things about the whole anti-gay thinking is that it is the same thinking the ever shrinking 'majority' applied to the ever growing 'minority.' Jews/Blacks/Irish/Gays/Asians could be hard working, considered friends, but certainly not deserve or appreciate full rights under the law.

No offense.

Lastly, if you are called out and challenged for your bigoted views, you are not a martyr. It's like terrorists or pirates being angry somebody shoots back at them. If you seek to destroy and disrupt the lives of others, face the consequences.

If you say you are a proud anti-gay bigot at an event largely made possible by the hard work of homosexuals and the straight people who love/depend on/envy them, you will face the consequences of biting the hand that fed you and augmented your lady bits.

miss california, kitty massage, national orgainization of marriage

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