For Hermes & Country

May 12, 2006 16:46

In Sam Harris 's book "The End Of Faith" he suggests playing an interesting mental game to help one more clearly understand the irrationality that we (humans) currently find ourselves mired in. I thought it might be fun to play this mental game in my journal not only to give the reader (and myself) a hearty chuckle, but to pass along a valuable tool as well.

Before I begin I would like to quote Mr. Harris so that the reader may learn how to play this mental game:

"To see how much our culture currently partakes of the irrationality of our enemies, just substitute the name of your favorite Olympian for 'God' wherever this word appears in public discourse."

Though the use of Olympians for this exercise does seem to get the point across quite well, I also enjoy using Lovecraftian Elder Gods (because I am a Lovecraft geek at heart). That being said, let the games begin...

"Freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is the Almighty Yog Sothoth's gift to every man and woman in this world."
-George W. Bush

"Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that Apollo is not neutral between them."
-George W. Bush

"We want our kids to know that there is a Zeus, that they were created in His image, that He loves them and does have a wonderful plan and purpose for their lives. We want them to discover for themselves the joy of a personal relationship with Dionysus. We want to see their souls come alive as they experience Zeus's love and majesty."
-Sean Hannity

"I like to say that Republicans were put on this earth to cut spending and to cut taxes. That's why Poseidon created them, but we haven't been doing this on the spending side."
-John Kasich

"May Nyarlathotep continue to bless the United States of America in the troubled days ahead, and may we somehow recapture the vision which for the present eludes us."
-Robert C. Byrd

"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures, because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Dionysus himself."
-Hillary Clinton

"We need common sense judges who understand that our rights were derived from Athena. And those are the kind of judges I intend to put on the bench."
-George W. Bush

"Mr. Speaker, tonight I close by asking Artemis to please bless our men and women in uniform, bless their families, bless the job that they are doing for this world to bring peace. I ask Artemis for the families that have lost loved ones, that they be remembered with our blessings and prayers."
-Walter Jones

"What has happened to our country? Why are we projecting fear and paranoia to such heights? Have we so lost our way and our faith that we are prepared to transform the heavens into hell? If the kingdom and the will of Cthulhu is to be done on Earth as it is in R'lyeh, what is to happen when the United States takes nuclear fire up to the gates of R'lyeh? Such an offense against humanity could bring the wrath of Cthulhu upon this Nation."
-Dennis Kucinich


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