Last time, Florence only wished for skill points and we had a terrible score.
Florence Delarosa, Knowledge/Pleasure
We start where we left off last week, with skilling
Until daylight comes and it’s possible to invite someone over.
This someone is called Dennis Jakobsson and he doesn’t seem to mind when she’s skilling while he’s there
When Florence’s secondary Pleasure shines through a while later, Dennis is the one she invites for a date
He turns out to be a Family sim, and they have a great date
So, when Florence wakes up the next morning, she asks him for a date again
And again
This time they go all in
Florence asks Dennis to marry her and move in
They have a dreamdate and we have another sim to please. Dennis is a Family sim and he gets a secondary aspiration of Fortune.
Dennis likes to skill too
And he likes to meet new people
And he’s quite the artist
That night, Florence hasn’t had a single wish yet, and wishes for a date. Dennis works nights and will not be home before midnight, so Florence invites someone else for a date!
That someone is Mr Jacquet. They had a thing going in his house last week. However, this time, Florence keeps it on an innocent level and as soon as she’s got her five wishes, she ends the date and sends him home.
Life goes on, with serving meals
and skilling
It starts to be a tradition in Belladonna with pyjama dates
And this time, the date ends in a winter garden wedding
and now they are both called Jakobsson
While winter comes to an end, Mrs Jakobsson varies her methods of skilling
And Mr Jakobsson has started to wish for a baby
Over all it was a good week. Let’s just hope that Florence will be pregnant before she’s too old. Otherwise, Dennis will have to rely on the telescope…