Last time, Julian started a relationship with the bartender Tyra and made a lot of other friends too.
Julian Collin, Popularity/Fortune
You could think this was a forgotten picture from the last family, but it’s actually Julian visiting the Clintånger family.
He finds that they have a room mate named Sarah (so now we know too J) and that the hot Alex has moved away to Uni
He still has a great time with Vivianne, Sarah and Sally
Then he goes to visit his other neighbour Filippa
And they become best friends
Back home, he booty calls Alex, who comes running from uni and into his bed.
Then back to neighbour visits.
But sometimes it seems they could do without his visits
Vivianne ignores him too
So instead he invites his girlfriend from last week, but there’s no spark left, so Alex is invited next. Nothing memorable happens there either
Then back to Filippa and Herbert
And by the end of the week he buys a DJ booth and wants to talk to both girls, but first Tyra, we gess, since he wants to invite her over.
Very easy week, but a rediculous amount of visits to the neighbours! Didn't even take photos every time, and did not publish all photos either. They all look the same :)