The Ottomas family are known to most simmers. However, in this reincarnation, they have a Finnish origin. The family members are:
Petteri Ottomas - Romance adult - LTW Celebrity Chef. He works in the Business career as a Junior Executive.
Satu Ottomas - Family adult - LTW to become Captain Hero. She works in the Law Enforcement career as a Desk Sergeant (maybe).
Kaarina Ottomas, Pleasure teen, LTW 50 dream dates
Tuomo Ottomas, Family teen, LTW Education Minister
Tarja Ottomas, Family teen, LTW Golden Anniversary
Urho Ottomas, Romance teen, LTW Celebrity Chef
The family doesn’t own any businesses.
The lot value is 22.726§ and week’s tax is 1.136§. the family has a bad cash flow and struggles to get the bills paid.
The family’s biggest asset is the date bouquets and date gifts that Kaarina gets, so they are promptly sold off.
No more is the game unpaused after tax paying, before Noah Colorado, Kaarina’s boyfriend drops by with yet another bouquet. It might prove useful, since the family funds at the moment amounts to 1§.
Tuomo, who struggled in school when he was little, is excelling now as a teen. His brother Urho, too, but he has always had an easy time with school so it doesn't count.
Kaarina, the oldest kid at home, continues dating Noah Colorado. They are both Pleasure sims, and enjoy this immensely.
Kaarina will soon outgrow her boyfriend, though. She also accepted a position in the Slacker career, because she wanted one. However, while checking the lists of available positions, it was an illegal move from j68 side, and she’ll have to quit before she could even start.
Instead she gets invited to an outing with Noah and some of his brothers and his sister Gunnel. The gang goes to 2Friends, but all the boys leave immediately, so it’s only Kaarina and Gunnel left from the group.
They end up playing pool together. Or rather, Gunnel is watching while Kaarina is playing. She is really good!
Then it’s time for the first birthday in this house. Kaarina will become an adult, but will stay the week out in her parents’ house.
Spring is approaching, and Kaarina’s birthday party is ending in an orgie. Kaarina takes her still teenaged lover boy Noah Colorado to the couch for some woohoo, while Tuomo makes out with his steady girl friend Kaylynn Maryland.
Outside, Tarja has a budding romance going with Rasmus, one of Noah’s many brothers.
Her twin Urho keeps up with her, flirting with Patricia Maine.
Even their soon-to-be elder parents had their marital fun before contently falling asleep.
No Ottomas update without a fire! Luckily for them, fire alarms are allowed and the fire squad comes quickly
Tuomo, who is now 19 years old, has started a Business career that will probably be ended by the end of the week. He was promoted on Wednesday, to Executive Assistant, so he will never make it to the top. However, when he arrives home, his beloved big brother Taavetti is visiting.
“Taavetti! I missed you so much!!”
The Ottomas tree is the only one with four generations. However, prosperity counting there are only two generations. Urho, Tarja and Zarah are born-in-game sims, but the others are CAS.
Now when Kaarina outgrew Noah, at least temporarily, she's dating Gustav Ottosson-Bixo instead. It's a hot date!
They end up in bed together, in the bedroom that has even got wallpapers by now
When the weekend draws near, Tarja is progressing in her romance with fellow Family teen Rasmus Colorado. Her eyes are in the sky, even more than usual.
And soon they are both flying!
Urho is a bit more straight-forward than his sister, and proceeds to bedding Patricia Maine even before he gets his first kiss (yes, you see it hovering over his head)
However, they don’t go through with it, but get out of bed and start telling dirty jokes instead.
The age catches up even with the Ottomas. Petteri grows up well to elder, and choses a green shirt that matches the green house.
Petteri (or j68) decides it’s no use keeping Petteri in the Business career. He got demoted to Executeive, and it’s the weekend. Better to keep the job for someone else in the neighbourhood instead!
Satu grows up well to elder, the moment she comes home from work promoted to Desk Sergeant. There’s not much use to keep her at work either, except the fact that the Law Enforcement career is actually Satu’s LTW career. So, she gets to keep her job for now.
During the last weekend at home, Kaarina continues her dating, and she continues it with Gustav. We’ll see next round, when Noah grows up, if she’ll go back to him, or if this is her new lover boy.
Sunday, Kaarina dates Frank Boston, just because she wants to have three first dates. She has no intention whatsoever to get romantically involved with him, since he’s destined to marry Gunnel Colorado.
Him on the other side, can think about one or two romantic interactions with Kaarina that he would appreciate.
She gets a bit caught up in the moment, though, and they become a bit intimate. It's not meant to last, though!
They never go as far as wooho, though, and in the evening, Kaarina moves out to her own lot. Bye, see you next week!
And now - the first generation 2 house - Chloe Suffolk