
(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 11:28

Belated End of 2008 Post That I Keep Forgetting To Write

1.What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before? Had a relationship last into the third year [yay Nikki!!! Now almost fourth year :o we rule like that], got a full-time job through an agency, went on a road trip without riding a single rollercoaster, went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, went "behind the scenes" at Canada's Wonderland, went on two new coasters, and a lot of other stuff!

2.Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Didn't make any last year, although mid-way through the year I decided to follow my doctor's orders and lose some weight fatty and stop eating so shitty because it was destroying my liver. So, I dropped 13 pounds [and am in the process of gaining it back by eating sweet sweet foods].

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Neg.

4. Did anyone close to you die? Neg.

5. What countries did you visit? Went to the US three times - Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo. That's it!

6.What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More road trips 10000%, get a full-time salaried job [two more weeks and that becomes reality]... probably more stuff too.

7.What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 17th always is etched in my memory from the past three years! September 1st, too, for our trip to Cleveland! Maybe it will become a yearly thing.

8.What was your biggest failure? Staying fit after doing well for my first two months. Oops.

9.Did you suffer illness or injury? No. Dancing banana!!!

10.What was the best thing you bought? New computer! Yuss!

11.Whose behaviour merited celebration? No celebrating plz.

12.Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? None. Fuck depression! Yahoo!

13.Where did most of your money go? Road trips, Leafs tickets [wut], Nikki [good spendin']

14.What did you get really, really, really excited about? Road trips, making Nikki ride her first rollercoasters in awhile, getting a god damn job in the area I wanted to get a job in without having any experience or education in the field. YEAH FUCK YOU HATERS

15.What song will always remind you of 2008? Jizz in my Pants by the Lonely Island

16.Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? Deffo happier.

ii.thinner or fatter? Thinner

iii.richer or poorer? Richer

17.What do you wish you'd done more of? Travelling, road trips, riding roller coasters, sportz!

18.What do you wish you'd done less of? Um, I don't know! 2008 was ok!

19.How will you be spending Christmas? Went to Nikki's on Christmas Eve with her family, then had a nice dinner with my parents on Christmas. My dad's Christmas dinners rule.

20.Did you fall in love in 2008? TOO LATE ALREADY IN LOVE THX.

21.What was your favourite TV programme? Programme? Srsly? NCIS.

22.Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? n

23.What was the best book you read? Good questionz chyeah. Future Greats and Heartbreaks by Gare Joyce, I guess. I read a lot of books this year but many of them were very underwhelming or, in the case of a couple, horribly disappointing. See: 1984

24.What was your greatest musical discovery? I pretty much avoided listening to new music this year.

25.What did you want and get? Cash moneys, more sportz, new computer, some trips [albeit smaller ones], more Nikki.

26.What did you want and not get? Winning lottery.

27.What was your favourite film of this year? Dark Knight I guess. I'm not as stoked on that movie as everyone else is, but I really didn't watch a whole boatload of good movies this year, old or new. A lot were quite mediocre. Especially Shark Water! That movie sucked balls.

28.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 24, and I hung out with Nikki. I'm already 25 at time of posting! Ha!

29.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Longer trips. More moneys to afford longer trips.

30.How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Same old, although I spent a shitload of money on new clothes this year, which is a change from usual. I do need more pants though.

31.What kept you sane? There was nothing that tempted me to the brink of insanity, so uhh... I'll give Nikki credit on that.

32.Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I would say Barack but dude's been president for like five days now and still hasn't changed the world, so clearly he should be executed by firing squad.

33.What political issue stirred you the most? The Bloc attempting to join forces with the NDP and Libs! WHO DOES THAT

34.Who did you miss? All the people I didn't see that I wanted to, and all the people I drifted away from. Which this year, was very few.

35.Who was the best new person(s) you met? I only met a few new people and none turned out to be friends, so uh, no one.

36.Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. If you french fry when you should pizza, you're gonna have a bad time.

37.Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Hahaha my favourite song of 2008: YOU'RE HOT THEN YOU'RE COLD YOU'RE YES THEN YOU'RE NO YOU'RE IN THEN YOU'RE OUT YOU'RE UP THEN YOU'RE DOWN etc etc etc that song made me nuts.

First up was Pittsburgh in June to see the Jays and the Pirates!

This came up rather suddenly, as on the Thursday before the Friday/Saturday/Sunday three-game series, I said to people, "Hey let's go to Pittsburgh." Then on Friday, everyone was like "Okay cool". So then we went the next morning!

AMURRICAN FOOD - IHOP just outside of Buffalo

Pittsburgh's PNC Park, first road trip of 2008, with Shawn, Real and Bundy [and some garbage!]

The area around the park is really, really nice. Too bad the rest of the city sucks.

We got to sit right up close for batting practice to take some sweet pics.

Oh you know it fo sho

Okay the whole city isn't a dump, this was cool.

Mmmm baseball

Mmmm Denny's

Yea we did have good seats, thanks

Go reflections.

Next was a quick trip to Wonderland with Paresh to check out the new coaster

We are cool.

Sweet coaster, this one.

Weeee etc.

Paresh: "This picture just looks wrong. Damn wrong."
Me: "If jamming foot long pieces of meat in my mouth is wrong, I don't want to be right."

Sure, we walked around and burned calories all day, then got them back with this. Fuck ya

On Labour Day, Nikki and I went to Cleveland for our only semi-coaster trip of the year - and the main reason we went was to watch the Cleveland National Airshow!

Our only new coaster: Ravine Flyer II. It didn't photograph well, so this is the best you get!

I like planez

Aw shit aliens.

Go pollution!

I have no clue how this guy didn't crash. Guy was like five feet from the ground!

This thing is from the 1930s!

Then it blew some shit up.

Three generations of American airpower, or something.


Those stupid fucking flags got in the way all day. Ruined so many pictures.

Free poster? I'll take it, even if I hate the guy.

This plane is big.

Rock and Roll Hall of a Fame was a big letdown. But it looked cool from the outside.

Next up ... all the hockey games we went to! I went to games with Paresh, Shawn, and Real! Good times were had by all!

I don't care if he's not on the team, I still rep Belak.

Paresh, Shawn and I. This was at a different game.

Fight! Yuss!!!!!

The Leafs guy got hammered, but it was my first heavyweight fight I've ever seen at a game!

Shawn even got on the big screen, ahahaha

Leafs win!

Shawn got a free jersey for being on the screen, nice.

Yoga class. This is yet another game.

Find your happy place, Eric!

Action shot!

The Leafs wasted no time in giving McCabe's #24 to a far superior player, my new mancrush - Jonas Frogren!

My dad's camera rules.

Yay introductions.

Carolina with the winning.

Paresh and I ventured to Buffalo to catch a game. But first... MIGHTY TACO!!!

Forgive the blur. This got me suitably caffed up.

Hell yes: bulk nuts!

Paresh opens wide for dudes named "Dr Bob".

Mob the goalie!

Yeah, I know, I take a lot of pics during warm-up, but it's so much easier.

Too bad those heads are in the way, or else this might be my favourite pic of the year of hockey.

Those jerseys are sweet.

Go Grabovski!!!

The look on the face of #9 in the left corner is nice. "NOOOOOO I WANT THAT"

Leafs win! Net loses!

Nikki, her cousins Annette and Dave and I went to see Team Canada against Team Sweden at the World Juniors!

We got awesome seats!

I kept calling this guy a horrible bust and he gave me a dirty look. Priceless!

Hey what up dude

Definite trash talking going on here by the lone Canadian.

This might be the only picture of Nikki I got this year :( [also Annette and Dave!]

Canada has never won an international tournament without the help of the officials.

Pat Quinn's all, "Hey #16, you suck."

I took more action shots at this game.

Canada is winning.

Ouch dude, double Swede.

Dude's jaw is falling out of his mouth, get him a medic!

Canada is won.

Get out of our country, Swedes!

Here's some other random pictures from the year

Trinh came back from Calgary in August and we all went to a baseball game! Me, Paresh, Bundy, Real, Agata, and a bunch of others! Party time!

Yeahhh me and Bundy.

Batting cages were a large part of our year. We spent almost every weekend playing ball!


And that's... the end.

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