F yeah I am!
Check it out. And talk about
auspicious placement. I won't dwell, but it's awesome to be on this list.
The ultra-low carb diet continues, but I don't think for long. It appears that I am in ketosis (not to be confused with
kemmer), but contrary to what I thought, am constantly lacking energy. Even walking the six or so blocks from the MUNI station to the office is laborious.
Yesterday, after nearly a year of being convinced that I would never do so, I joined
Mission Cliffs climbing gym. Outdoor climbing still doesn't sound very appealing to me, but for whatever reason, this week I've been compelled to do the bouldering problems at the gym and I can feel myself getting hooked... I'm going to chase that feeling.
Finally, *tonight*... while everyone else is embarking on their three-day weekends, I plan to 1) play ddr, 2) see either Paprika or Pirates III, 3) Work on Flurry. I'm pretty damn excited.