Feb 13, 2008 07:51
Ysterday I ran across the street to the deli with Liz to get lunch. While we were paying she got a hankering for chocolate and ended up getting a Peanut Butter Twix. I was browsing the shelves behind the cash register (where this deli chooses to keep its' candy as if it was Chicken Hawk magazine or something) and noticed these combo boxes of Reese's Whips and Whatchamacallits.
Me: Does that box mean you get one of each in every package or that they just box both kinds in the same box for resale?
Liz: I think they just sell both kinds from the same box.
Me: Oh, so I guess I'd have to decide which one I wanted in that case.
Liz: Yeah.
Me: Talk about the Sophie's Choice of candy.
I followed her lead and got a PB Twix too.