(no subject)

Nov 20, 2011 19:54

We had no plans for today but it ended up being a really busy day... Anthony didn't get up until 10.15am and then decided we were going to see his Dad. We got there just as his step-mum was leaving to go shopping at Asda so I went with her to get a few bits.. We had to leave at 12.30 though because my Nan was coming to collect Anthony so he could go and fix her friends clock.. As we opened our front door though the phone was ringing. It was my Mum ringing to say that my Aunt & Uncle were at my Nan's and she was on her way to come get us so we could see them. We didn't even get a chance to get our coats off before we were off again! Whilst we were there Anthony & my Nan went to her friends house and James & I hung out with my Mum..

We got home in time for James' dinner and then set about setting the new computer up in the Living Room.. We're using an old desk at the moment but we're getting a new one for Christmas. Anthony is still working on the computer now and James has just gone to bed..

Talking of James. He was well behaved today but after we got home he was so tired he had a complete melt-down.. I knew it was because he was so tired.. Doesn't make it any easier to cope with though!

Now I'm knackered! I plan on doing nothing for the rest of the evening apart from watching tv :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

nan, anthony, mum, james

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