James & I went shopping with a friend of mine this morning. We came home early though because I hadn't eaten anything all day and I was starting to feel the effects from it. Now most normal people would just buy something and eat it there but I can't eat out in public.. Just another awesome side effect from my phobia..
Whilst i'm on the subject of eating, yesterday I discovered a Chicken & Veg Cup of Soup and had one today when I got back. It tasted delicious and because I can drink it out of a cup I can trick myself into thinking it's not food!
*******For the few new people on my friends list, I suffer from Emetaphobia which is a fear of vomiting. Because of this I find it hard to eat. People look at me and automatically assume I'm anorexic because I'm underweight but I assure you that is not the case. I'm on a mission to gain weight and in the past 10 months I've managed to gain a stone in weight.********
I've done my next weeks meal plan. I was meant to go food shopping whilst out this morning but because I had to come home I've now going to have to go tomorrow. Somehow I'm going to have to stretch £30 to do a weeks shopping.. Not sure how that's going to work! I've already got some of the ingredients I need so I guess that helps.. One day I would love not to have to be worried about money and count every penny!
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