I've just come back from my sister's today...I spent 2 days there...in Le Havre, where I studied for 3 years, she actually lives close to where I used to live...she's got a really big flat that she shares with her boyfriends...I'm pretty jealous of the size because my flat used to be tiny and I paid only a little less than her...
I had a good time there...it's weird how she seems to have grown up in the little time since I left France for good. She seems more mature, and I think that living and working away from home has done her lot's of good...my brother also, in the same way has matured, and with a baby coming he sort of had to...everything is moving so fast nowadays...a lot of my friends are moving in with their boyfriends or girlfriends...some are getting married this summer...others like my broher are having babies...it's amazing...
I went to my old university yesterday and saw some friends...like xavier and Alex...who are doing Masters there...they seemed to be doing well but are very stressed out by their 100 page dissertations...Xavier who has been my best friend for the past 2-3 years wasn't hiself...and I guess it also has to do with the little we've seen of eachother since september...although we do talk often on MSN...
I did some shopping in the morning, I had to buy new headphones for my MP3 player, a new charger for my phone, I got some books...one on Che Guevara, the Motor Cycle Diary...the other by Paul Auster who is one of my favorite author now...I also bought this picture frame from an art gallerie...it's got these great prints (color drawings) of New York city and certain american symbols...they are drawn on a fake dollar bill...
I went to the movies in the evening to see this French film...otherwise I just enjoyed spending some time with my sister and her boyfriend...I also went to the restaurant for lunch yesterday with a friend named Cédric...we went to this Italien one called "Del Arte"...the food was great...
Anyway gotta go...my plane back to Leeds is tomorrow...need some sleep...