God Rest You Merry, Londoners

Dec 23, 2011 18:02

Another carol!  Sometimes I like to think the revolutionaries and neddies have caroling contests, and that this song would be the result of some loyal lyrical neddyman.

I also like to think that I have heat vision, and that eight tiny reindeer act as familiars to guard my sorcerous manse.

Don't you dare judge me.

God Rest You Merry, Londoners

God rest you merry, Londoners
Let nothing you dismay
The Empress rules from shadow
The Masters light our way
We live and die and live again
Twixt black and white and gray

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

In New Newgate some prisoners
Were locked away to rot
Until a fateful happenstance
Improved the prisoners' lot
And took them down to London's heart
The city sky forgot

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

The fugitives began their quest
To find what they desired
Across Neath they drove themselves
By pure ambition fired
From palaces to rookeries
Such scandal they inspired

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

Yet as their questing led them down
Much further than they meant
Some had begun to question if
They might still yet repent
And wash their hands of London's ways
And be to surface sent

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

But when they tried to find a path
That led them back to home
They found themselves lost in the dark
Where unseen monsters roam
They saw then they would ne'er again
Walk on the sun-kissed loam

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

“Fear not,” said then the Masters all
Who watched from the Bazaar
“The Neath provides a better life
Than any under star
You'll live and die and live again
And never wander far”

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

Now to the Masters give your thanks
For all that they provide
Without them Fallen London would
Be without wealth and pride
We wish them luck in all their deals
To keep our health and hide

O tidings of madness and joy
Madness and joy
O tidings of madness and joy

carols, ooc, holidays, lyrics

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