(no subject)

Oct 13, 2009 17:56


the whole world, dax. dax, the whole world.


Pam's cousin can't have her in her dorm room, and her grandma doesn't want her underfoot, so she is all mine. was sort of a last minute surprise thing, but it's all good.

she is four months old at the outside, probably between three and four. she is energetic and playful and fucking bonkers, and also she is a snugglebunny. AWW. also she is a skinny little thing. kittens are so weird looking. she is fixed and has all her shots, and came with a litterbox, toys, and a metric fuckton of food. no litter, however.

she and ciaran have met. it has not gone very well so far. there has been hissing. and growling. mostly hers, but a bit from him as well. mostly ciaran's just freaked and cowering. which is hilarious because she is a quarter his size. right now he's scratching my door from the outside, and she's sitting, staring at it.

so. cat things wot i need: litter, those lids for food cans, scooper, and possibly one of those bits-of-cardboard-on-a-wire toys. she'd fucking love that. she went nuts over a STRAW last night. <3<3<3! (cats are so easy.) she likes my computer cord, and she likes to jump on the table. neither of these things are ok. so possibly a squirt bottle as well.

am i going to become of those people who has their cat in their icons? (i'm looking at you, andrea and frog.) yeah, probably.

lis met her properly this evening, and she is WRIGGLY. we think she's part ferret. (i'm pretty sure she actually is part Siamese.)

IT RAINED ALL DAY. IT IS RAINING EVEN NOW. it is lovely. i miss the rain. i miss big fuckoff t-storms.

saw Bell X1 for free last night! Ken was feeling arse and could not go, and Cordy paid for my parking (i am just that broke, guys, ROLL ON THURSDAY [aka payday]) (and she is awesome: at 7:30p my phone rings, Cordy sez "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR PARKING"), and i saw my very first proper Bell X1 show. Croke 3 doesn't really count. i mean, it does, but it doesn't. six songs with tech issues does not a show make. this was wonderful. and FREE, did i mention? yeahhhh. The Great Defector is my MOTHERFUCKING JAM. goddamn. in Greenville, SC, someone stole Paul's cowbell. "you do not fuck with a man's cowbell." Amelia is about Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan and if they ever got it on, apparently. also, THE DRUMMER. fuck. i could not look away. FUCK. brilliant.

what else... oh yeah! so everyone went to that Eddie Izzard movie thing last thursday? i think? anyway. i drove Cordy to the bus to meet Lis, dropped her super quick at the curb, and got pulled over five seconds later. here, have a dialogue:

me: ::rolls down window:: shit fuck fuck shit fuck
cop: ::knocks on passenger side window, scaring the everloving shit out of me:: i pulled you over because that was a no stopping zone.
me: i was just dropping my friend off...
cop: let's see your license.
me: it's at home.
cop: but you have one.
me: yes.
cop: do you have anything with your name on it?
me: ::rummages in the dash:: here's an old pay stub...?
cop: ::goes back to run my plates::
me: ::fume, curse, gnash teeth, rip hair::
cop: are you sure you have a California license? i couldn't find you in the system.
me: actually, i have a Wisconsin license.
cop: how long have you been here?
me: ::hedging:: ...long enough, i suppose...?
cop: ::exasperated:: are you from here?
me: no, i'm from Wisconsin.
cop: where do you live?
me: ::points:: right over there, on Calvert St.
cop: did you grow up here?
me: ::uh, wtf?:: no, i grew up in Wisconsin.
cop: ::dithers:: ok, i'm giving you a warning.
cop: you can go.

yeah. for a minute i thought he was going to follow me home so he could see my license, but then at the end he just gave up and couldn't be fucked. i thought i was SCREWED. but no, lazy cop. AWESOME. also, thank fuck he didn't notice my one burnt out headlight. so i made noises of stress and relief and AAAUUUUGHHHH on the way home, and once i got there, i played some bass really loud. totally helped.

she's STILL staring at the door. dorkus.

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argh, dax, weather, music

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