Mar 09, 2006 01:14
Robin, Brandy and I deffinately got kicked out of the library (the book library, not the bar) tonight. I did feel like we were getting kicked out of a bar at last call. "Ladies, we need you to leave, you've had a little too much tonight." The guy comes around and goes, "You need to leave, the library is closing, now." Then he starts flashing the light for all four people there. I felt he was a little millitant about it. What's wrong with a simple "please"? Or maybe a 5 minute warning. I felt like if we didn't leave right then he was going to call for a police escort, out of the library. Oh god! and flashing lights, scary. I'm not sure which is worse, that I was at the library late enough to get kicked out, or that I'm offended that they kicked me out.