Dec 22, 2005 14:31
I've all my Christmas shopping done at last! Hooray! Unfortunately one still has yet to be mailed out. *grins*
Also, I've officially pledged a fraternity on my new campus, Delta Sigma Phi. The house is totally awesome and it felt like the guys and I had been friends for years after I stopped by and was offered a bid by them. Totally different from Sigma Chi where after I got the bid, it was like they were uncomfortable around me and I was uncomfortable around them. That and, as Mom pointed out a couple days ago, the Sigma Chi house felt like a nursing home in how it was designed and looked... and I hate nursing homes.
But the Delta Sigma Phi house is an old house, alive and beautiful, strangely remniscent of Princeton, my dream school, in a way I can't explain.
I got one of my grades so far today. Medevial Lit was, like I anticipated, a B. That leaves Lit Survey III as either A or B and Wyoming History as B or C. Here's to hoping I score either a B,B, A,C, or A,B! :D
Happy Holidays to all my friends and readers here on LJ!