NEWS 1000Q MYOJO 2004.11 Part 1

Jan 12, 2008 20:03

Soooo~ Finally I finished this big project!! xD How long is it ago, that I posted a translation? I don't know. xD But I know, that my English is leaving me. You'll notice, in this translation, my English really SUCKS! as well as my Japanese DDD:
Well, anyway. I started this like, 1 year ago.. and even promised people to post is soon DDD: I feel so sorry. And I even have a KAT-TUN translation, I still have to do... so. some notes in advance:

1. When I began, I still tried to look up things like food and persons, but somewhen I started to become lazy, so if you want to know anything about food or person, look it up yourself. xD
2. Sorry, my English sucks, if you don't understand something, just ask, I'll try to explain xD (There are also many spelling errors, please excuse that D: most of this was done after midnight...)
3. I know that some parts of this were translated somewhere, but I don't know if the whole thing was posted anywhere... omg, I hope no one did this before me. xD then it'd have been a real waste of time. xD
4. Everyone has the same questions, with some variations here and there. Just wanted to say that. xD
5. Please don't post this anywhere without asking! It took me like 3~5 hours for every of the persons!
6. Oh, when I wrote comments or so, I made mine italic, the ones, that were already in the mag, are just normal.

(the translation begins here xD)

First time in history!
NEWS Q&A X 1000

While collection things we want to ask NEWS, we surpassed 1000 questions! So we thought "If that's so, let's ask them all!" and interviewed NEWS until they cried! It's pretty long, so read it after going to the toilet!

How to make YAMASHITA TOMOHISA’s HEART your own!
And the most popular member of NEWS is...?

Yamashita Tomohisa

1 What’s your charm point?
I don’t know... my nipple!

2 How would you describe you character in one word/sentence?
I’m not obedient... I hate to lose and am stubborn!

3 What’s your dominant arm and leg?
Writing and baseball is right arm. Eating, Bowling, Pool and darts is left arm. Leg is right.

4. What’s your eyesight?
Left is 1.0 and right 0.3

5. What’s your weak point?
Wakibara (Sorry, what do you call it in English? That part of your body, on the side of your belly xD)

6. What do you not like about your body?
My nipples are small.

7. What kind of underwear do you wear?

8 How many sit-ups can you do?
Above 100

9 What do you wear while sleeping?

10 In what pose do you sleep?
Every day changing (lol.. he really said it like “daily special menu” like food lol)

11 How long do you bathe?
10~15 min

12 What part of your body do you wash first in bath?

13 What’s your “My hygiene”?
Eating yoghurt

14 What’s the best imitation you can do?
A fool

15 What’s the best food you can do?
Fried food

16 how many hours do you sleep in average?
7 hours

17 Where do you often go shopping?
Raifu(Life?) [Supermarket]

18 What do you buy often at the convenience store?

19 What was your highest score at bowling?
About 160

20 What’s your treasure [item]?
Parents & Friends

21 A “sorry” you want to / can say now
I always apologize immediately, so there is none.

22 If you were to do Cosplay, what would you become?
A person from the convenience store

23 What’s your favorite fashion item?
Shoes. Sneakers, Slip-on (? Shoes, where you just can slip into without any laces), boots. It’s fun because there are so many shapes and colours.

24. Clothes you wore long time ago, that were really embarrassing?
Purple Jersey clothes I had to wear at High School

25 What kind of hair-cut do you want to try out?
Nearly bald head.

26 What’s your “My Boom”?
Adding honey into my yoghurt.

27 What’s your favourite saying?
“Ganbarazu ni, ganbaru” ( giving your best without giving your best.. hope you understand what I mean xD)

28. What’s your favourite song(s)?
All of Southern All Stars

29 What’s your favourite colour?
White, Black, Red

30 What’s your favourite movie?
Freddy vs. Jayson. That’s the most recent movie is saw, so this came to my mind

31 What’s your favourite season?

32 What’s your favourite book?
I read too many books around the time of my University Test and now I hate books

33 What’s your favourite manga?
At the backstage of “SUMMARY” there was a manga called “BOY”, I read it until issue 12.

34 What’s your favourite kind of Ramen?

35 What’s your favourite TV program?
“Kisu dake jya IYA!” “QUIZ! HEKISAGON” “行列のできる法律相談所”… Oh, I really like Shimada Shinsuke.

36 Who’s your favourite historical Character?
Saigou Takamori (Wikipedia: Saigō Takamori (西郷 隆盛 23 January 1827/28 - 24 September 1877), one of the most influential samurai in Japanese history, lived during the late Edo Period and early Meiji Era. Despite romantic legends that surround his image as 'the last of the samurai,' he still may be justly regarded as such.)

37 What’s your favourite food?
Yoghurt, cooked egg

38 What’s your least favourite food?
I hated sea urchin, but when I went on a school trip to Hokkaido it became okay.

39 What’s your favourite emoticon?

40 What’s your favourite taste of autumn?
pacific saury

41 What are you most afraid of?
That my parents or grandmother die.

42 What did you cry about recently?
When I saw “Monster Inc.”

43 What did you make laugh really hard recently?
I laugh when I think about the fact that Akanishi Jin exists. Ah, and the precious things I mentioned earlier, Akanishi also belongs to them.

44 What made you really happy recently?
There were parents and their children coming to SUMMARY and both, mother and daughter bought my Uchiwa.

45 What have you dreamed of recently?
Anpanman (a comic character) and sliced octopus flew together, getting along well with each other.

46 What was something good you did recently?
I put a chewing gum, which Akanishi had carelessly thrown away, into the bin.

47 What are news that are concerning you recently
Yamamoto, who got silver at the Olympics in Athens.

48 What kind of girl do you like?
A nice girl, who cooks well.

49 What hairstyle do you like on a girl?
Anything’s OK as long as it fits her.

50 Where do you want to go on a date?

51 In what kind of a situation do you want to kiss?
In a park at night

52 With what words would you confess?
“Suki desu”

53 If you were confessed, with which words?
“Yamashita-kun ga suki desu”

54 What do you want to be called by your girlfriend?
Because I’m always called Pi, “Tomohisa”.

55 How often were/have you confessed?
About 3~4 times I think

56 From when do you think it’s unfaithful?

57 What don’t you want your girlfriend to do to you?
Being unfaithful

58 If you give your girlfriend a present, what?
Accessory and a CD of the Song, she likes at this time.

59 What words from a girl do make you happy?
Praise words

60 What words from a girl would shock you?
“you stink”

61 Your girlfriend comes too late to a date. How long would you wait?
2 hours

62 When was your first love?
At kindergarten

63 At what age was your first kiss?
19. This is about my first kiss with Akanishi, though. *laugh* While performing SUMMARY, our lips touched in accident.

64 How often did you experience unrequited love?
4 times

65 If you proposed, with which words?
“Kekkon shite kudasai” (Please marry me)

66 With what age do you want to marry?
When thinking of really wanting to marry (somebody)

67 How many children do you want?
Doesn’t matter how many. If I could get a son and a daughter, I want both.

68 Say something to you future wife:
Thank you for the delicious meals always.

69 What do you want to call your son?
来夢 Raimu

70 What do you want to call you daughter?
来夢 Raimu

71 What does your family call you?

72 What’s the flavour of your mom?
I love the Mabo Tofu but if it’s the flavour of my mother then it’s misosha with kôyatofu and aubergine (why do they have to talk about food so much? xD sorry, can’t explain what it is xD anyone help? XD)

73 How do you call you mother?

74 What’s your first memory of life?
When I was told that I got a little sister

75 What did you want to become when you were young?
Astronaut. But when I was 4, a dentist told me that if I have cavity I could not become an astronaut, so I gave up and threw my star map away

76 Tell us a place where you went for a trip and felt touched
All Onsen places. If I go to places with nice scenery, I always feel touched.

77 Tell us an experience where you had a big argument with someone
When I was in my 6th year of Primary school, my left arm got broken. I could not appear in TV, it was very vexing

78 What was your favourite school lunch?

79 What was your least favourite school lunch?
Asari soup

80 What was your favourite subject?

81 What was your least favourite subject?
Everything besides P.E.

82 What was your favourite part of the sport festival at school?
100m run

83 What was your least favourite part of the sport festival at school?
Obstacle competition. Crawling under net, eating sweets, it was just bothersome!

84 Tell us the committee meetings and groups you did so far (huh? oO)
In 6th grade of Primary School, I was student president but I only had to do oath with the student at the school festival

85 What was your longest telephone conversation?
4 hours

86 How often do you mail in one day?
10 times. One of these is for the J-web

87 What’s you ring tone?
Anpanman. He cries “Ai to Yuuki dake ga tomodachi” (Only Love and courage are (my) friends!)

88 How many contacts do you have in your cell phone memory?
More than 100

89 Where would you want to go some when?

90 Who do you respect?
My Mother

91 Who do you want to meet now the most?
Brad Pitt

92 What do you want most now?

93 Which senpai do you respect?
Domoto Tsuyoshi-kun and Takizawa Hideaki-kun.

94 If you would become prime minister, what would you do?
The only thing I would not do is war

95 What would you want to try if you were a girl?
Give a birth

96 What would you do if you had 1 month of holiday?
Going to Onsen, going overseas, and then relaxing at home. Do things I can’t do usually.

97 What would you do if you win 3 million Yen at Lottery?
I would buy a mansion for my whole family

98 If you hadn’t entered this world (entertainment world), what would you do now?
Work at a convenience store

99 If you would be reborn, what would you like to become?

100 If your house would burn, what would you take outside?
My dog

101 If you had a time machine, in which time area would you bring yourself?
10 years later

102 What would you do, if the last day on this earth would come?
Nabe (noodles) party

103 What is your first memory of work?
Even though I had to appear in front of a camera, in the end I wasn’t filmed.

104 Who’s the most perverted in NEWS?
Nishikido Ryo

105 What is your first memory of becoming NEWS?
Going around the country for volleyball support, our debut single becoming number 1.

106. What’s NEWS biggest goal?
Our CDs becoming from now on also number 1

107 In news, who is the strongest with fights?

108 Who’s the weakest?
I entrust that to your imagination

109 What’s NEWS biggest weak point?
We have many imperfect points

110 What’s NEWS strongest point?
We’re all good guys

111 If you were a girl, out of NEWS, who would you want to date?

112 In what would you not lose to the other members?
I give my best so that I would not lose

113 If you gave yourself a stage name, what would it be?

114 What was your breakfast today?

115 What is your favourite lunch menu at university?

116 What drama you starred in, has left a deep memory in you?
Of course “Ikebukuro Westgatepark”. The first Golden Time drama I starred with Nagase, I was very nervous!

117 Say something to your best friend Akanishi Jin
I probably love him on my own way.

118 How often did you think of quitting this job?
When I was already 7 years here, 1 time

119 What’s your favourite old gag?
“Dadda~n boyoyon boyoyon” (some commercial thingie xD)

120 What has changed since you go to university?
I have more friends

121 What’s your favourite subject at university?
They’re all difficult, so none.

122 How do you spent you free time? (at university)
I talk with my friends quietly at the backside of the university.

123 What is your memory of this summer?
I went on a drive with Akanishi, Kusano and some friends from High School. It was really fun~. I wrote more to this at this month “NEWS CHANNEL” so read that.

124 What will you be doing in 10 years?
Sining, Dancing, starring in dramas. NEWS will still be a popular band and we are still continuing to make number 1 CDs

125 What kind of gesture by a girl are you charmed by?
More than a gesture, I like the smell of soap.

Katou Shigeaki

126 What's your charm point?
My belly is beautiful. But recently my belly comes out (? Don’t how know to say) and I'm worried about it getting out of shape...

127 How would you describe your character in one word?

128 what's your habit?
Touching my nose

129 which is your dominant arm and foot?
Both left

130 what's your eyesight?
Right is 0.3, Left is 0.4

131 What's your weak point?
Small and dark places.

132 What's your worry about your body?
I have no abdominal muscles.

133 What kind of underwear do you wear?

134 How many sit-ups can you do?

135 What do you wear while sleeping?
In summer, jinbei (japanese clothes lol) in winter a pyjama

136 In what pose do you sleep?
On the side. Right-hand side down.

137 How long do you bath?
10 minutes.

138 Which part of your body do you wash first in bath?
My hair.

139 What's your "My hygiene“
Eating many vegetables

140 what’s your best imitation?
“hikaru no haka”(? Some film?) ‘s enarika zuki

141 what’s your best cooking?
Tamago-Yaki (like.. Japanese Omelette)

142 How many hours do you sleep in average?
5 hours.

143 Where do you go for shopping?
Daikanyama, Shibuya, Aoyama, Harajuku.

144 What do you buy often at the convenience store?
Green tea

145 Which song(s) do you always sing at Karaoke?
KinKi Kids’ songs.

146 What’s your highest score at bowling?

147 What’s your precious item?
The album I got when I switched schools in primary school.

148 A “I’m sorry” you can / want to say now.
At the NEWS concert in January, when everyone was singing “Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana”, I was falling in a doze and came out too late.

149 What would you like to cosplay?
A nurse.

150 What do you collect?

151 What’s your favourite fashion item?

152 What embarrassing clothes did you wear a long time ago?
A training suit from a fake brand

153 What hairstyle would you like to try out?
Let them grow to my shoulders and get locks.

154 What’s your “My boom”?

155 What’s your favourite saying?
Naseba naru. (If you do it, it will work out. Something along that line)

156 What’s your favourite song?
I like ‘JET’ lately. The song used in the iPod commercial.

157 What’s your favourite color?

158 What’s your favourite movie?

159 What’s your favourite season?

160 What’s your favourite book/magazine?
“hebi ni piasu”, Men’s non-no

161 What’s your favourite Manga?
Dragon Ball, Slam Dunk

162 What’s your favourite ramen?
The ramen from Koyama’s family’s restaurant

163 What’s your favourite TV program?
Ainori. It’s so funny, if I can’t watch it I record it.

164 Who’s your favourite historical character?
Miyamoto Musashi

165 What’s your favourite food?
Katsudon, Omrice

166 What’s your least favourite food?
Pumpkin, Red Bean Paste

167 What’s your favourite emoticon?

168 What’s your favourite taste of Autumn/Fall?

169 What are you most afraid of?

170 What made you cry lately?
When I saw Aiba reading a letter to the members of Arashi at 24h TV

171 What made you laugh really hard lately?
At the opening of a SUMMARY performance, Kusano slipped and water flooded out (I don’t get this :/ 草野が足をすべらせて水びたしになった)

172 What made you angry lately?
Nana (his dog) broke my “Akaku Moyuru Taiyou” CD case. But when I noticed it, Nana already slept, and I lost the timing to get angry at Nana and in the end I got angry at myself for not raising her well.

173 What made you happy lately?
I really wanted to eat ramen from Koyama’s family’s restaurant and then I really could eat there.

174 What dream did you see lately?
A dream, where Taiyou (from Ya-ya-yah) got really angry at me.

175 Something good you did lately.
I donated 200Y at the convenience store (… I think xD)

176 What news are you concerned about lately?
Olympics. But when I watch it, people often lose, so it’s like “Why?!”. (… I hope you get this. xD)

177 What kind of girl do you like?
Someone I can respect.

178 What hairstyle do you like on girls?
Long hair

179 Where do you want to go on a date?
Disney Sea

180 In which situation would you like to kiss?
I’d like it to be somewhere you can see the sea. Like the Yamashita-park in Yokohama.

181 With which words would you confess?
“Kimi no koto suki kamoshirenai” (I probably like you.) If my mood was raising(?), “Ore no koto suki ni sasete yaru kara, tsukiatte kure” (I will make you love me, so please date me.) This is embarrassing! *shy*

182 With which words would you like to be confessed?
Everything would be okay. Something like “You are my sun *heart*”

183 What would you like your girlfriend to call you?

184 How often were you/have you confessed?
2~3 times

185 What fetch do you have?

186 From when on do you think it’s unfaithful?
If she has feelings for me, everything is okay.

187 What would you not like your girlfriend to do?
Look through my cell phone without asking.

188 What would you give your girlfriend as present?
I would ask her if there was anything she wants, and buy it secretly

189 What would make you happy, if a girl said it to you?
“You’re cool”

190 What would shock you if a girl said it to you?
“You’re boring”, “You’re disgusting.”

191 Your girlfriend is late for a date. How long would you wait?
If she doesn’t come after 10 minutes, I would spend some time around there. If I knew when she’d come, I would wait until then.

192 When was your first love?
3rd grade of Primary School

193 When was your first kiss?
At kindergarten

194 How many unrequited loves did you have?

195 With which words would you propose?
“yoki katei wo kizukou” (Let’s make a nice household. Something like that XD)

196 Until which age do you want to marry?

197 How many children do you want?

198 Say something to your future wife
Yoroshiku for ever. (Sorry, in these 4 1/2 years of learning Japanese, I’ve never saw any good translation of Yoroshiku, that I liked xD)

199 What do you want to name your son?

200 What do you want to name your daughter?
伊織(ishiki? I don’t know)

201 What does your family call you?

202 What’s the flavour of your mother?
Nikujaga, Oden

203 What do you call your mother?
Okaasan, sometimes Okan

204 What’s the first memory of life that you have?
My first kiss in kindergarten

205 What did you want to become when you were a child?
Scientist. Because I loved “kiteretsu daihyakka” ( a tv program? It’s about very strange things, anyway)

206 Which place that you went to, moved you?
Las Vegas

207 How do you spend your free time at school?
Either I stay in the classroom and talk with friends, or go to the cafeteria.

208 What was your favourite menu at the cafeteria?
Frozen mandarin

209 What was your least favourite menu at the cafeteria?
Pumpkin cooked in soy-sauce

210 What was your favourite subject?

211 What was your least favourite subject?

212 What was your favourite part of the sports festival?
Cavalry battle

213 What was your least favourite part of the sports festival?
Foot race

214 Tell us the committee meetings and groups you did so far.
In Primary and Middle school I was school class representative once.

215 How long was the longest phone conversation you did?
3~4 hours

216 How often do you write mails a day?
About 10 times. I hate mails, so I will always just write the important stuff (or something like that. Sorry :/ I’m useless.)

217 What’s your ringtone?
The sound of a normal telephone. But I always have it in silent mode, so there is no meaning in having a ringtone anyway.

218 How many contacts do you have in your cellphone?

219 Where would you like to go to?

220 Who do you respect?
My dad.

221 Who would you like to meet now most?
Uchi Hiroki. I don’t really meet him often!

222 What do you want most now?
A wrist watch

223 Which senpai do you respect?
(Sakurai) Sho-kun

224 What would you do if you were president?
Make a taxi’s basic price to 100Y.

225 If you became a girl, what would you do?
Wear loose-socks

226 What would you do if you had vacation for 1 month?
A world trip/tour.

227 If you got 3 million Yen at Lottery, what would you do?
A world trip/tour with the members of NEWS

228 If you hadn’t entered this world, what would you be doing now?
A normal High Schooler. Like someone who works at a convenience store.

229 If you were reborn, what would you want to be?
Again myself.

230 If your house would burn, what would you take outside?
Cell phone, wallet, dog, guitar (2), important clothes, and if I still had time, consumer electronics *laugh*

231 If you had a time machine, to which area would you go?
50 years later

232 What would you do if the last day on earth would come?
After eating the 3 most delicious things, I would eat insects and poisonous mushrooms. If it’s the last anyway, I would want to try, if you can eat them.

233 Who is the most perverted in NEWS?

234 What is the first memory you have of NEWS?
When going to support the Volleyball Word Cup, eating. The Uni in Hokkaidou was great!

235 What’s NEWS’ highest goal?
Having a regular TV program at the golden time.

236 Who’s the strongest with fights in NEWS?

237 Who is the weakest with fights in NEWS?
Me *laugh*

238 What’s NEWS weakest point?
None. Because we are 8, if someone’s lacking something, someone else will compensate for it. I’m the person who says always “Give your best!!”

239 What’s NEWS strongest point?
Everyone is good at singing. Excluded me and Koyama, ne

240 If you were a girl, with whom from NEWS would you want to go out?

241 What is something you won’t lose against any of the others members?
Being like an old man. Also, everything learning-related

242 If you gave yourself a stage name, what would it be?
Miyamoto Shigeaki. I don’t like my family name too much, so I take it from Miyamoto Musashi.

243 What was your breakfast today?
I didn’t eat anything. Usually I eat bread.

244 What’s the Autumn/Fall fashion item you pay attention to?

245 What kind of dance are you good at?
Hip Hip, Rock, House

246 What is something special you can do?
I can put my fist into my mouth

247 Do you play with the dog you received from Yokomi(?!)
Nana, ne. I play with her. Like going on a walk, sleeping together, getting CDs bitten *laugh*

248 What “Nice Noritsukkomi” did you do lately? (something like.. a joke?)
Nothing special. *something about embarrassment and I don’t know…* So I’m collecting jokes at the moment, so wait a bit more!

249 What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years?
I would want to be with NEWS and also as Katou Shigeaki more popular than now! And I would like to encounter with a person I would want to marry.

250 What was the first work you got as a Jr?
An interview with MYOJO! And it was even on Okinawa!!

Masuda Takahisa

251 What’s your charm point?

252 Describe your character in one word.
I’m basically cheerful

253 What’s your habit?
Cracking my knuckles

254 Which is your dominant hand/foot?
Both right

255 What’s your eyesight?
Both 2.0

256 What’s your weak point?

257 What do you not like about your body?
I would like to have nicer legs.

258 What kind of underwear do you wear?

259 How many sit-ups can you do?
Until I die

260 What do you wear while sleeping?
A t-shirt and pants

261 In what pose do you sleep?
Face upwards

262 How long do you bathe?
30 minutes

263 What do you wash first in bath?
My left hand

264 What’s your “My hygiene”?
Drinking soymilk and vegetable juice

265 What can you imitate well?
Kusano’s face and way to dance

266 What’s the best food you can cook?
Eggs sunny-side-up

267 How many hours do you sleep in average?
6 hours

268 Where do you go for shopping?

269 What do you often buy at the convenience store?

270 What song will you definitely sing at Karaoke?
KinKi Kids’ to heart

271 What was your highest score at bowling?
I don’t go bowling often, so I don’t know. But I think I’m pretty bad.

272 What’s your treasure?
My family

273 An “I’m sorry” that your want to / can say now.
When we had to walk around the audience seats, I suddenly had nose bleeding, and to hide it, I was walking awkwardly fast. Sorry.

274 What would you want to cosplay?
A female high schooler, the sailor clothes and the blazer are both hard to throw away *laugh* (??)

275 What’s your favourite fashion item?

276 What embarrassing clothes did you wear long time ago?
It was embarrassing that when I was in primary school, I always wore t-shirts with lions printed on them.

277 What hairstyle would you like to try out?
A cool bald head

278 What’s your “My boom”?
Flexible training (?)

279 What’s your favourite word?
Whole energy

280 What’s your favourite song?
To heart

281 What’s your favourite colour?
For clothes, black or white. Lately also yellow

282 What’s your favourite movie?
Some time ago, I watched “Umizaru” and was touched.

283 What’s your favourite season?

284 What’s your favourite book?
“Sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu” I thought “This will be interesting!” and bought it, but I haven’t read it so far

285 What’s your favourite manga?
Dragon Ball

286 What’s your favourite ramen?
Tonkotsu Ramen. Because the noodles are thin and hard and the soup is thick

287 What’s your favourite TV program?

288 Who is your favourite historical person?
Miyamoto Musashi

289 What’s your favourite food?
Gyouza, I like Chinese food.

290 What’s your least favourite food?

291 What’s your favourite emoticon?

292 What’s your favourite taste of autumn?
Nashi (Japanese pear)

293 What are you most afraid of?

294 What made your cry lately?
At the NEWS-concert on New Year, I made a mistake while introducing a Kanjani song, and then in the changing room, Nishikido-kun and V.West (Yasuda, Maruyama, Ohkura) got really mad at me and then I cried because I felt so sorry. But they only wanted to shock me, and everything was just a joke. I was really relieved~ *music note*

295 What made your laugh really hard lately?
At the SUMMARY concert, when Kusano stepped on the water fountain.

296 What made you happy lately?
The reactions of the audience at SUMMARY every day.

297 What kind of dream did you see lately?
A dream where Yamashita-kun sang with a deep voice and I said “That’s good. Just like that.”

298 What kind of good thing did you do lately?
I would be happy if it was ‘making the fans happy’.

299 What news concerned you lately?
At the Olympics in Athena, I stayed up until late, because I was shocked and thought “That are not humans!”

300 What’s your favourite type of girl?
Nice and pretty eyes

301 What hairstyle do you like on girls?
Shoulder-length, brown and at the hair ends a wave. If I was a girl I would want such a hairstyle.

302 Where do you want to go on a date?
Tokyo Disneyland

303 In which situation would you want to kiss?
At night at the beach, while listening to the sound of the waves, in a casual manner.

304 With which words would you confess?
Suki desu

305 With which words would you want to be confessed?
Suki da yo

306 What would you want your girlfriend to call you?

307 What kind of fetch do you have?

308 How often were you confessed/ did you confess?
0 times

309 From when on do you think it’s unfaithful?
When meeting secretly

310 What do you want your girlfriend not to do?
Being unfaithful

311 What would you want to present your girlfriend?
A necklace

312 What would make you happy, if a girl said it to you?
It’s fun to be with you

313 What would shock you, if a girl said it to you?
Eeeh~ that’s gross~

314 How long would you wait, if your girlfriend came too late for a date?
After 15 minutes, I would kill the time somewhere

315 When was your first love?
It was in kindergarten, but I don’t really remember it anymore.

316 When was your first kiss?
1986.7.4. When I was born, my mom kissed me *heart*

317 How often did you experience unrequited love?
2 times

318 With which words would you propose?
Kekkon shiyou (Let’s get married)

319 Until when do you want to get married?
Around 30

320 How many children do you want?
2, a girl and a boy

321 Say something to your future wife.
I’ll make you happy

322 What do you want to call your son?
A rare but not weird name.

323 What do you want to call your daughter?
A name with the Kanji “Taka” from “Takahisa” in it

324 What does your family call you?

325 What’s the flavour of your mother?

326 What do you call your mother?

327 What’s your first memory of your life?
When I was 3~4 years old, when I went with my family on a Ski trip

328 What did you want to become when you were small?
Soccer player

329 Which place you went on a trip touched you?
Ski place

330 Did you ever get a huge injury?
I never had a injury! I was always a child with good healthy.

331 What was your favourite menu at school?
I really liked every menu there, and I drank a lot of milk. But I probably liked Wantan Soup most.

332 What was your least favourite menu at school?
Carrot jelly

333 What’s your favourite subject at school?

334 What’s your least favourite subject at school?
Maths. I hate calculating

335 What was your favourite part of the sports festival at school?
Relay. I was always a team member.

336 What was your least favourite part of the sports festival at school?
The bread-eating competition. I was always nervous (?)

337 Tell us the committee meetings and groups you did so far
I helped at the library in primary school. I gave out the books. (Sorry, my English sucks xD)

338 How long was your longest phone conversation?
1 hour

339 How many mails do you send daily?
On a day with many mail, about 30, but there are also day when I don’t write mails at all.

340 What’s your ringtone?

341 How many contacts do you have in your cellphone?
More than 200

342 Where would you like to go to?
Snow country

343 Who do you respect?
The senpais in Johnnys Jimusho. Every time I meet someone else, I am impressed like “This person is great!” and the amount of persons I respect increases.

344 Who do you want to meet most?
Myself, one year later.

345 What do you want most at the moment?

346 Which senpai do you respect?
I do respect them all, but the one I’ve been respecting since long ago is Kimura Takuya-san

347 If you became president, what would you do?

348 What would you do if you became a girl?
Enter a women bathhouse

349 What would you do, if you had 1 month of vacation?
First I would laze around, and if I get bored, I would try to challenge BMX riding

350 What would you do, if you won 3 million at the Lottery?
Buy a house and furniture, and live alone.

351 What do you think, you would be doing now, if you didn’t enter this world (entertainment)?
Being addicted to swimming, soccer or rollerblading.

352 What would you want to become, if you were reborn?

353 What would you save if your house would burn?
My wallet and cell phone

354 If you had a time machine, to which area would you travel?
To the time, Miyamoto Musashi was alive

355 If the last day on earth came, what would you do?
Go around and tell people “Thank you for everything until now.”

356 What is your first memory of work?
The day after the audition, I suddenly had to appear at the TV program “LOVE B.I.G.” It was also something like an audition, but we weren’t told if we passed or not. I’m still afraid that I didn’t pass.

357 Who is the most pervert in NEWS?

358 What’s your best memory of NEWS?
The concert at New Year and SUMMARY

359 What’s NEWS biggest goal?
Appearing so much in TV, that even Grandmas and Grandpas remember us.

360 Who in NEWS is the strongest with fights?
I think Kusano. But for strength, I’m also confident. But in fights I always try to be nice.

361 Who in NEWS is the weakest with fights?
Uchi, because he’s so thin.

362 What’s NEWS’ weak point?
We need much time to dance synchronically.

363 What’s NEWS’ strongest point?

364 If you were a girl, with who from NEWS would you want to date?
For looks, Uchi. But I would want myself

365 In what would you not lose against the other members?
I hate to lose

366 If you were to give yourself a stage name, which would it be?
Masuda Takahisa. Because I don’t want to change it, I would write it in hiragana

367 What was your breakfast today?

368 Which is your favourite muscle?
Abdominal muscles

369 What would you do for your girlfriend?
I would watch over her tenderly. (I think I got this question and answer wrong. xD)

370 What would you wear on a date?
T shirt and Jeans

371 Do you remake lately? (??? xD)
I don’t~ At the moment, I want to produce clothes earnestly. First, something like T-shirt prints or so. (??? xD)

372 Do you swim lately?
I haven’t for one month now..

373 What do you wear while swimming?
Tight short swimming shorts (I think. xD)

374 What will you be doing in 10 years?
NEWS will be a group like SMAP and among them, I will be giving my best.

375 What weird habit does Tegoshi have while sleeping?
He uses art on me. ( like.. techniques. xD somehow this sounds perv in english. xD)

Tegoshi Yuuya (Fake-cut to Part 2 post)
Uchi Hiroki (Fake-cut to Part 2 post)
Nishikido Ryo (Fake-cut to Part 2 post)
Kusano Hironori (Fake-cut to Part 3 post)
Koyama Keiichirou (Fake-cut to Part 3 post)

thanks to
boys_paper   for the scans!

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sorry @ flist, for posting 4 long posts right after each other >-

katou shigeaki, masuda takahisa, therefore i slept the whole day., huge news translation, translation, yamashita tomohisa, news, result of sleepless nights.

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