Personal ficcish indulgence

Jun 19, 2006 16:35

I re-found the Ultimate Mary-Sue Litmus Test, and decided to measure up some of my OFCs (I don't have many) against its measurements. One of these is an RPG character I played, the other four characters from stories I worked hard on at some point, though only one is finished, two others have been abandoned, and the third is in progress ( Read more... )

fannish, the sentinel, mary-sue litmus test, star wars, original characters, licc, reboot, rpg, x-men

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Comments 23

lapinguina June 20 2006, 00:27:59 UTC
I just took that quiz as if Amita were my character, and scored 187.


izhilzha June 20 2006, 00:33:44 UTC
*helpless giggles*

I don't know if that should count, being that you're an Amita-hater. Ideally, a neutral party should do it, to get a more objective answer.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing in fandom, is there?

And that said, that's still darn funny.


lapinguina June 20 2006, 00:53:44 UTC
The funny thing is, I took it as if I were an Amita fan - I'd want to be friends with the character, she has a lot of attributes I also have, etc.


izhilzha June 20 2006, 00:55:47 UTC
LOL, that's the thing, huh? Mary-Sues are Mary-Sues because the author wants to be them (and I guess we have to admit that being close to Charlie Eppes would be NICE--hee).


jd3000 June 20 2006, 00:38:14 UTC
No, Artsy is not the 'classic' Mary Sue by a long run, she never became irritating. Much of this is only apparent with regards to the author.

And, BTW...

Aigh! I ran Observer through this:


Definitely a Mary-Sue in both cases. Although role-playing is more lenient than fanfic writing, you should defintely consider toning down some of the Mary-Sue traits.



izhilzha June 20 2006, 00:58:47 UTC
No, Artsy is not the 'classic' Mary Sue by a long run, she never became irritating.

I didn't think so (I can name a few actual Mary-Sues/Marty-Stus from LICC, though!). It's mostly due to the fact that our particular RPG had, as "normal," weird backgrounds and coloring and powers....

That goes for Obsy, too, actually. I bet he garnered most of his points under the "past angst," "special powers," and "romance" levels, right? Artsy's score would have been even higher if I hadn't limited her to the run of LICC (I left Never Fade and the future stories where she and Obsy marry off in the blue distance).


jd3000 June 20 2006, 02:55:49 UTC
That's very true, LICC was not your typical RPG, by a long shot.

And the amnesia, powers, and romance were big contributors to Obsy's score, but the fact that he speaks at least ten languages (by virtue of his enlarged lifespan, another big score-tipper) accounted for much.

Speaking of Never Fade... :-D



izhilzha June 20 2006, 17:03:44 UTC
Oh, yes, the languages. :-)

Speaking of Never Fade... :-D

Ah...soon? Maybe I can work on it while I'm on the plane this weekend? I've been busy preparing for a trip. I kind of know what I'm doing, but haven't had time to write it yet....


lizamanynames June 20 2006, 07:44:14 UTC

I ran one of my Farscape characters through this... she came out much higher than I'd like...


sciencewizard June 26 2006, 23:14:30 UTC
I wouldn't be as concerned about Artsy. It's a little different in LICC, since there isn't as much of a "canon" to work with. Frangelica scored as a 25, and she was basically created to fill a hole in the action.

Nice litmus test, btw. I may run my other characters through it and see how they come out.


izhilzha July 5 2006, 17:20:06 UTC
Kira! That's you, right? I had no idea you were on LJ. May I friend you?


sciencewizard July 6 2006, 19:18:28 UTC
Absolutely! I ran into JD on AIM a few weeks ago, and he gave me the URL's for the big four who are still around. Friend away! Good to hear from ya!


izhilzha July 6 2006, 19:36:51 UTC
Yay! That's four LICCers on my flist! *dances for joy*


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