Personal ficcish indulgence

Jun 19, 2006 16:35

I re-found the Ultimate Mary-Sue Litmus Test, and decided to measure up some of my OFCs (I don't have many) against its measurements. One of these is an RPG character I played, the other four characters from stories I worked hard on at some point, though only one is finished, two others have been abandoned, and the third is in progress.

I actually scored somewhat better than I thought I might. :-)

Yay me.

Personal results of the Mary-Sue litmus test on my Original Characters:

1. Gina Pavlatos (The Sentinel; series of partially written stories in which she plays a role. Only one--Scents of Celebration--has been finished so far.)

Mary-Sue score: 24

(16-30 A fanfic character can go either way at this point, so authors should maintain a healthy amount of caution here.)

Yay! I was trying hard to make Gina real, and I appear to have at least partially suceeded (she's Blair's love interest, so of course she get some points in this assessment).

2. Anastasia (future movie-verse X-Men; story never finished)

Mary-Sue score: 35

(31+ Fanfic authors, you've got a Mary-Sue on your hands. There is a chance that you can save character with a little help, though.)

Can't say that's a surprise; Ana was a more blatant self-insertion than I'd ever written.

3. Aryn K’hil (Star Wars, Old Republic; Grief Is Not the Opposite of Peace)

Mary-Sue score: 20

(16-30 A fanfic character can go either way at this point, so authors should maintain a healthy amount of caution here.)

*whew* I worried about her a little, because I basically just wanted an excuse to write someone interacting with a younger Qui-Gon Jinn. But she seems to pull through rather well here.

4. [Name Unknown], because I haven't reread this attempt in a long, long time (ReBoot; retired Guardian helps out in Mainframe, unfinished series of alt-season 3 stories)

Mary-Sue score: 28

(16-30 A fanfic character can go either way at this point, so authors should maintain a healthy amount of caution here.)

Wow, I expected her to score higher. I wonder if I didn't mark some areas correctly.

5. Artsy-Fartsy (artistic superhero; RPG character for the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions)

Mary-Sue score: 31

(31+ Role-players, take heed. Watch and ask other players to determine whether or not your character is getting on their nerves.)

Hmmm. What do my fellow RPGers say to this? jd3000? scorptilicus?

Well, that was fun. Back to work, now.

fannish, the sentinel, mary-sue litmus test, star wars, original characters, licc, reboot, rpg, x-men

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