and fannish links in taste

Apr 04, 2006 12:56

All right. I finally got in touch with Amazon, got them to fix my account, and preordered Numb3rs: the Complete 1st Season.

I was amused to note the items that were listed as recommendations--and to note that, by and large, I understood why.

Customers who viewed this also viewed:

Medium: the Complete First Season: This is a crime drama with a ( Read more... )

fannish, links, real life,

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Comments 5

kalquessa April 4 2006, 20:58:06 UTC
Sometimes I like to go look at what Amazon is recommending based on my past purchases and current wish list. I am often left wondering what crack their algorithms are smoking, but it's a fun little exercise to guess why they thought I would want that...


izhilzha April 4 2006, 21:02:54 UTC
*cracks up laughing*

There's just something funny about the mental image of strings of equations curled up into little people-forms (like the Catepillar in Alice in Wonderland)doing crack.

*giggles some more*


wychwood April 4 2006, 21:08:54 UTC
I always enjoy looking at the "people also liked..." stuff. It's particularly good when you, say, order a mediocre film because it has a sci-fi actor you like... you'll find that the list is something like:
#season of sci-fi show actor is in;
#bad film he made ten years ago
#pilot he made for show that never got picked up
#film in which he has ten-second cameo
#bad film made by other actor in said sci-fi show
or something like that :) And it's so very clear why people bought it...


izhilzha April 4 2006, 21:18:49 UTC
*snerk* Yes, I do indeed know what you mean. We fans are a little strange that way, sometimes.


jd3000 April 5 2006, 16:13:54 UTC
Ohhh, the Complete C&H. It's a wonderful thing.

Now I should go check my Amazon reccs.



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