New Year's prayer for you all (+ first meme for 2006)

Jan 02, 2006 00:21

I was going to make a terribly introspective post, but after watching Syriana (excellent film), poking around a bookstore, and stuffing my brain with season 6 Stargate, it's now midnight and I'm not awake enough to do such a post. I'll save it for tomorrow!

For now, Happy New Year (a tiny bit late)! May this coming twelvemonth bring peace, love, and the restoration of things/people/dreams that have been lost, to you all.

And on a more silly, fannish note, this meme which I have taken (including modification) from mistraltoes:

Which fictional character would you fix me up with, if you could?

More importantly, why?


prayer, fannish, new year, meme

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