(no subject)

Apr 28, 2011 17:06

I most sincerely hate all this swapping of Internet sites. The newest annoyance is Yahoo! (*#(*@% with my Delicious. That's one site that I have found deeply, consistently useful over the past 5 years. Eff you, Yahoo, for messing with it and basically taking it away.

Anyone have an easy way to move all Delicious bookmarks into, say, a file that can be easily stored? The bad thing about browser bookmarks is how you lose them all anytime your computer fails, etc. :(

(In random RL news: if you're going to invite me to your bachelorette party, it helps if you get my email right so that I know I'm invited more than 4 hours before the party starts. No, really.)

real life, not-rant, request, internets

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