Okay, very quick reactions:
1. Did not expect the gap in time, with Amy/Rory living on their own and the Doctor running off places. But I like it. I love the whole invitation thing.
2. WTF DOCTOR NOOOOO! ...uh, damn. I was not remotely spoiled for that. Ngh. Amy's face. :( And River's stiff silence. And Rory... oh, Rory. The pyre. Oh, Rory. *whimpers*
3. And we're off with the timey-wimeyness. Wow, Moffat.
4. "They won't shoot" "They're Americans!" "Don't shoot!" *dies*
"The legs, the nose, and Mrs. Robinson."/ "I hate you." That might be the line of the night.
5. Is the Silent speaking into Amy's mind? I am not clear on that.
6. I loved the conversation between River and Rory.
7. Amy's pregnant? Okay, either that's a red herring (hey, the Silents can read and manipulate minds, so....), which has been beautifully set up, or it's real, in which case I am 3 parts uneasy because TV never treats pregnancy well, and 2 parts absolutely thrilled. (see
And Fill the Trees With Apples for why I love the idea of pregnant!Amy in the TARDIS)
Can it be next week now?