Okay, this is me fighting back

Feb 20, 2009 15:11

I've seen a lot of crap come down on people I love in the past year or so. I've dealt with some of my own, too; but just constantly seeing it is wearing me down. And it's not just bad things happening: it's people being stupid, or really messed-up in the head, or just not getting what they desperately want, or having normal things happen in a way ( Read more... )

bones, link, real life, numb3rs, quotey, glee, fandom, writing, friendship, godstuff, family

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Comments 18

kalquessa February 21 2009, 02:39:40 UTC
THE WORLD IS JUST AWESOME! *sways back and forth to the Boom-de-yada Song*

1. I really need to see Bones, don't I? WHY do I keep putting off getting a Netflix account? *fails*

3. Oh water hot is a noble thing!

12. Babies! *spins*

14. *waits impatiently for fic*


izhilzha February 21 2009, 03:25:36 UTC
Heh. Fic will come eventually. *g* (I may make you beta it, though.)

Yeah, I think you'd like Bones. Once in a while it would be not quite pixie-safe, but overall I think it could be another family show (since they don't mind gore/bones/etc).


kerravonsen February 21 2009, 02:48:14 UTC
I think, therefore I am overqualified.

I have local friends who share my fandoms! ...but this is something new and awesome for me! :)

Yes, yes, it is awesome!


izhilzha February 21 2009, 05:49:15 UTC


scionofgrace February 21 2009, 03:39:55 UTC
Having a solid and functional family really is one of the chief blessings of life. It gives me such as sense of wholeness and security knowing that my immediate family (and much of my extended family) is made up of loving, well-adjusted people who know how to get along and support each other.


izhilzha February 21 2009, 05:50:13 UTC
It really, really is. I didn't realize precisely how rare that is until I moved out--very few people I know have as secure a home background as I do. I am so blessed I sometimes feel kind of guilty about it. :)


krysalys February 21 2009, 05:12:19 UTC
Even though there's lots of sadness and impotent anger going on in my life right now regarding my gramma and her failing health, there are many wonderful things as well.

On Monday morning when I visited gramma before we had to drive back to Maryland, she patted my hand and whispered that she was so proud of me, that she loved me, and that she still... still prays for me and "that beautiful son of" mine every day.

Every. Day.

When I drove past my son's school on Wednesday around lunch time, it was all rainy and gloomy-cloudy and warm, and there, covering the entire playground beside the school? A huge flock of Canadian geese, waddling through the rain-soaked grass and grazing for worms. Gorgeous.

Thank you for the little reminder. Even when there are awful things happening, there's still beauty all around us. We just have to raise our heads and eyes and look at/for it.


izhilzha February 21 2009, 05:51:56 UTC

Thank you for sharing more of the beautiful things in the world, even in the middle of all the stuff going on in your life! Your gramma sounds like mine--always praying for her loved ones. So amazing. I hope to be that kind of woman someday.

Keep looking. I will.


leelust February 21 2009, 08:30:40 UTC
Did you try to watch Leverage? It left the same taste of happiness as Bones for me :)


izhilzha February 21 2009, 18:16:53 UTC
I did watch a couple of episodes of Leverage. It didn't click with me, but I totally understand how it might click with other people--and yeah, I can also see how it would leave that same taste of happiness. (It's nice to see justice winning out, through vigilantes or otherwise. *g*)


leelust February 22 2009, 14:48:01 UTC
Oh, i didn't know *sigh* The show doesn't take itself serious, right? :) Yeah, at least you can watch the good guys win on tv...


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