Okay, this is me fighting back

Feb 20, 2009 15:11

I've seen a lot of crap come down on people I love in the past year or so. I've dealt with some of my own, too; but just constantly seeing it is wearing me down. And it's not just bad things happening: it's people being stupid, or really messed-up in the head, or just not getting what they desperately want, or having normal things happen in a way ( Read more... )

bones, link, real life, numb3rs, quotey, glee, fandom, writing, friendship, godstuff, family

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Comments 18

jhall1 February 21 2009, 19:30:35 UTC

"And the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness could not put it out."

That reminded me of a rather lovely single that Annie Lennox currently has out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shining_Light
It's probably not intended to be about God, but I think that interpretation would fit rather well.


izhilzha February 21 2009, 19:35:00 UTC
Oh, that's awesome. (And while the quote I gave is from the Gospel of John, the image is entirely appropriate to other contexts. *g*)


ladybrick February 22 2009, 20:42:58 UTC
Gaaaah, Script Frenzy. I should do that and totally fail. I need to finish failing at rewriting Red Wolf first -_-


izhilzha February 24 2009, 06:46:23 UTC
LOL, well, skip till next year. I think it'll be good for me--you are already working on stuff and getting things done.


ladybrick February 24 2009, 06:48:45 UTC
Not lately >.> And Red Wolf needs to be done in a few weeks for me to meet my deadline.


lizamanynames February 24 2009, 01:50:04 UTC
I love you SO MUCH right now. ^_^


izhilzha February 24 2009, 06:53:58 UTC
:-D Glad to provide some happiness.


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