In honor of the last episode of Stargate SG-1

Jun 22, 2007 09:27

And courtesy of maevebran, who just linked to it, and TV Guide Online, who hosts it:

The last SG-1 blog entry by Michael ShanksNo spoilers for the episode, just reflections on the show, and a farewell that made me tear up. Bye, SG-1, I'm going to miss you. *wipes eyes* I came to you late, and caught up just in time for your ending ( Read more... )

fannish, farewell, stargate sg-1, michael shanks, link

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Comments 21

whitemartyr June 22 2007, 17:58:16 UTC
Awwww! Thanks so much for posting that! So fantastic!!! made me kinda homesick for the show. LOL. :P

favourite part? "Neenerneenerneener!"



izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:44:27 UTC
You couldn't dig out an SG-1 icon for this comment? ;-)

Homesick, oh, I know! And the "neenerneenerneener" made me laugh.


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 18:46:32 UTC
awww. I don't have any right now but I was thinking, man, I should have at least ONE still. Now I miss it, so I will probably dig one out. Heehee.


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 18:47:31 UTC
p.s. emaily me?


lon_dubh June 22 2007, 18:08:47 UTC
I just hold onto the fact that I still have a season+ to watch thanks to syndication.


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:45:04 UTC
Do hold onto that. (Oh what a lovely, yummy Daniel icon. It's the sweater of enlightenment!)


feliciakw June 22 2007, 18:15:08 UTC
That? Was hi-larious. Not the poignant farewell post, to which I can all too well relate right now. No, I'm talking about the rest of the blog. Hi. Larious.


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:45:44 UTC
Mr. Shanks is a very amusing man. Snippy and snarky and not afraid to speak his mind. Wish I'd known about the blog before the show, yk, ended.


kalquessa June 22 2007, 18:19:14 UTC
*huggles sg-1*

I don't know if you've seen this already, but if Shanks's post made you mist over, this shot of the team after the last scene was wrapped may put you over the edge:

(OMG don't cry, Amanda!)


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:48:20 UTC
ARGH. *weeps* (What d'you mean just telling Amanda not to cry? Michael Shanks looks weepy, too!)

I actually had seen this before, because you are on my network. :-) But it's really sad today. Wah....

(I totally use this as my team icon--bizarrely, it's actually Jack, Sam, Teal'c, and Jonas, from the very end of season 6. Heh.)


kalquessa June 22 2007, 18:54:46 UTC
Dude, you're like spying on my and I didn't even know? *laughs* I have no idea how to use that thing other than just the basic bookmark function.


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:59:25 UTC

Go to your page, click on the link up at the top that says "your network," and then you can just type the name of someone into the little box and click "add." I'm izhilzha there, too.

We can spy on each other!


maevebran June 22 2007, 19:56:17 UTC
Have you read the other four entries? They are all amusing and insightful to the episodes form the Shroud on.

I loved his blog because in the midst of that awful month that was May it gave me something to smile and laugh at. For that reason alone I think I will always be a Michael Shanks fan. (as if Daniel was't enough of a reason.)
Bye, SG-1, I'm going to miss you. *wipes eyes* I came to you late, and caught up just in time for your ending.
Exactly how I feel. I came even later to the party but what a party it was.


izhilzha June 25 2007, 17:47:51 UTC
Shanks is a very sarcastic, very amusing fellow. :-)

Exactly how I feel. I came even later to the party but what a party it was.

So. True. *tears up again*


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