In honor of the last episode of Stargate SG-1

Jun 22, 2007 09:27

And courtesy of maevebran, who just linked to it, and TV Guide Online, who hosts it:

The last SG-1 blog entry by Michael ShanksNo spoilers for the episode, just reflections on the show, and a farewell that made me tear up. Bye, SG-1, I'm going to miss you. *wipes eyes* I came to you late, and caught up just in time for your ending ( Read more... )

fannish, farewell, stargate sg-1, michael shanks, link

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whitemartyr June 22 2007, 17:58:16 UTC
Awwww! Thanks so much for posting that! So fantastic!!! made me kinda homesick for the show. LOL. :P

favourite part? "Neenerneenerneener!"



izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:44:27 UTC
You couldn't dig out an SG-1 icon for this comment? ;-)

Homesick, oh, I know! And the "neenerneenerneener" made me laugh.


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 18:46:32 UTC
awww. I don't have any right now but I was thinking, man, I should have at least ONE still. Now I miss it, so I will probably dig one out. Heehee.


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 18:47:31 UTC
p.s. emaily me?


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:49:54 UTC
As soon as I have time. Work be crazy today, and I'm on a tiny break right now, not long enough to reply to your long emaily. I have things to say, but things that might take more than 2 minutes to type, yk? :-D


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 19:39:34 UTC
ohhh surrreee... a likely excuse.

:P (hahaha)


izhilzha June 22 2007, 19:42:24 UTC
*kicks u*

Hey--the space shuttle is supposed to land at Edwards Air Force Base in like 15 minutes! That's near enough to us that we should hear the sonic boom when they come in! (Isn't that awesome?!)


whitemartyr June 22 2007, 19:53:01 UTC
Hahaha! (sorry it's friday and I'm getting giddy)

Sonic boom? space shuttle? SWEEEET! That totally made me think of SG-1 :D


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