Jun 18, 2010 23:56
"You want me to fail don't ya?..ha yeah I understand that clearly don't worry. But I ain't gonna give you this joy, sorry. Not here for that, and you're definitely not there for me either!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but this shit about me wanting your fall is just nonsense. I've never-"
"Don't you even try babe, you ain't got the strengh to pull that shit up anyways"
"wtf? What the hell you're talking about I-"
"You never understood squat from beginning to end, you never tried even a slightly bit to walk in my shoes for once."
"Oh I did sweety! I did too many times but you never tried to push it a bit further"
"further? How the hell do you want me to push it further? seriously!"
"Well be true to yourself for once! You wanna be that shitty person, you wanna fight till the end right?"
"yeah so?"
"Then fight! Don't just wait for somebody to boss you around, or someone to push your buttons! Fight till there's no air left in your lungs! till your heart explodes and burst into flames! till your feet fall from your legs! till you just can't anymore! Till the last bit of life escape your blue lips...and then you'll be able to feel it"
"And feel what exactly? What am I suppose to win for fighting this much"
What I feel inside me everyday....