Name: N/A
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 1
Height: 5'2"
Likes: I enjoy spending time with friends, but typically at my own convenience, going to the gym, playing video games, baking, cooking, and playing soccer. I'm also particularly fond of morbid poetry, movies, or art, and I love the goth/punk style of clothing.
Dislikes: I hate homework, and I cannot stand studying. There are very few things aside from tomatoes and onions that I dislike, although a few of the big points are liars, rude people, and those who are selfish.
Strong Points: I've been told that I'm a good listener and a good friend. Push me into a room of people I've never met and 85% of the time I can get along with everyone just fine. Whenever a friend is sad, I always find a way to lighten the mood.
Weak Points: Although I enjoy being around people, I cannot stand to socialize with people I don't know deep down. Being in crowded places terrifies me and makes me uncomfortable, especially when I'm around strangers. Although I'm able to put others first, I often forget to take care of myself, and sometimes have a difficult time moving away from the computer and socializing with people in person.
Pet Peeves: Rude customers. Idiots. Girls with no sense of modesty.
Hobbies: Music, anime, writing, roleplaying, drawing, and video games.
Talents: I'm decent at playing piano, and have played 4 instruments throughout high school.
Favorite Color: Blueish Silver
Favorite Food: Potatoes
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Mature or Immature?: I'm mature, but I like to have fun.
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Favorite Character [Any reason why?]: Tak. She amuses me, and I'm sad we don't see more of her.
Would you like to be stamped as a character of your same gender, or do you have no preference?: No preference really.
Do you believe in anything paranormal (ESP, extraterrestrial life, ghosts, etc)?: I think it's a bit much to say the only life out there exists on Earth, if not selfish, however I don't think we'll find anything any time soon. I have an open mind, but I'm not hard core for life out in space.
Anything else?: No.
And just for fun, who do you think you'll get?: Dunno. Isn't that what you're supposed to tell me? Although I suppose I'll say. . .um. . .how about Professor Membrane just to humor ya'll?
Suggestions for more questions?: No, sorry.
And please post a picture of yourself behind an LJ-cut or a description if you prefer. My identity is top secret, although I'm 5'2", short, red hair, brown eyes, and I have more chest than I know what to do with. That's all you're getting.