i wonder what spleen tastes like...

May 26, 2008 20:10

Height:Tall for my age.
Likes:Comicbooks and Horrormovies, Scifi and Elegant Gothic Lolita
Dislikes: People who get a kick out of being cruel to strangers. and tomatoes.
Strong Points:Good sense of humor, artistic, a love of literature that makes me sound SMART. :O
Weak Points:Forgetful, Klutzy, Perfectionist.
Pet Peeves:Bad parenting, country music.

Hobbies:watching my horror movies, reading a graphic novel or mucking around with technology
Talents: Skilled in the arts and literature, good at making excuses for not doing my homework, not afraid to make an ass of myself in public. Thats a talent, I tell you!
Favorite Color:Purple or Dark Red
Favorite Food: Sushi or Pizza.
Favorite Sport:Eh I don't like sport much, but Badminton is alright.
Mature or Immature?:Mature with spasms of IMMATURITY.
Leader or Follower?:A followe, but if the leader is annoying i'll say something.

Favorite Character [Any reason why?]:
I'd have to say Dib, I find him just so adorably pathetic.

Would you like to be stamped as a character of your same gender, or do you have no preference?:
 I could not care less.

Do you believe in anything paranormal (ESP, extraterrestrial life, ghosts, etc)?:
I don't think so, I used to petrified of ghosts and things that go bump in the night but now I'M the one who goes bump in the night.

Anything else?:
uh.no. Feel free to dig through my journal if I didn't include enough. :)

And just for fun, who do you think you'll get?:
I have no idea to be honest. As long as it aint Ms. Bitters. :/

Suggestions for more questions?:
Maybe some put yourself in their shoes kind of questions?

And please post a picture of yourself behind an LJ-cut or a description if you prefer.
I don't have a pic at the moment, but I can tell you that I'm tall, pale, blonde short hair, green eyes, i laugh like a hyena, and slim. I usually dress in egl or in 80's clothing. :/
I also wear glasses. square purple rims. :) 


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