Aug 02, 2005 21:26
I have three things to say about my trip to New Orleans:
1) Harrah's casino is the BEST thing ever. Because of the easy $3/$6 Hold-em game that they offer, I was able to go down to New Orleans with $70, and walk away with $25, 6 TKE t-shirts, 1 TKE hoodie, 1 TKE baseball cap, and travel, food, and alcohol for five days paid for.
2) Hand Grenades - These are GOOD!
3) New Orleans is one of the dirtiest cities I have ever been in, and NEVER wish to go back. Anytime you are in a 3 block radius from Bourbon street, all you can smell is a disgusting mixture of stale beer, vomit, and piss. NOT something I want to ever subject myself to again.
The trip itself was great. I had a blast and wouldn't change a minute of it. Looking around the room and seeing 660 other Tekes doing ritual with me was incredible. Walking down Bourbon street (after already getting used to the stench) and walking up to just about anyone and being able to strike up a conversation and share a beer and never feel like an outcast or feel like you don't know the person is great. It really did show me that the brotherhood that we have extends past the bounds of our school. I was able to engage in conversation with people from Duluth or Berkley and know that we didn't need to deal with the pleasantries of first meetings, because we already have a strong common connection. I was able to rub shoulders with kids younger than me, and adults much older than me, and even though they may have been in the fraternity for longer, and done more to advance it, they treated me as their equal. It really was an amazing feeling. I doubt this experience could ever be duplicated by any other type of organization than a fraternity.
The best part about being over 1000 miles away from home and surrounded by people that by default love you is that you really get to reflect on your life and what you have, what you miss, and what you want. I was able to sort out a lot of thoughts without even focusing on it. I no longer have to sit here and wonder what I'm going to do about my love life, or what I should do about my fraternity, or what I need to do with my family. It's all completely clear to me.
In the fall (late September to mid October) I will be moving into the fraternity house. This is a decision that I came to on the way back from New Orleans. I'm sick of people trying to sway me one way or another, so I just decided that it is what I want, so I am going to do it. I'm also going to pursue the girl that I have my eye on, and hopefully something will come of that. I'm also going to devote more time to my studies next semester, regardless if it means partying less with the brothers, or working less hours. As far as family goes, they're moving to the back burner. My mom really showed me how much she cared when after offering to help me pay for the rental car for my vacation, she let her family talk her into rejecting me. Not that it turned out that I really needed the help, but it was just wrong of her to offer and then let her family talk her out of it. Our relationship always goes rocky when I'm living at home, so hopefully me being out again will make things better.
I think that's about all I have on my head at this time. It's almost time for me to get ready to go to work. I think I MIGHT be getting promoted to Front Office Manager, which will involve a switch to the day shift, and a promotion, and the ability to hire and fire people, but I don't know if I want to accept it. We'll see what they offer me.